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When people think about those being caught drink or drug driving, the cliche involves a man leaving a pub late at night, being seen to be driving erratically and then being stopped by the police. Although this scenario may often be the the backdrop to an arrest for drink or drug driving, often the story is quite different.

The morning after the night before begins with a headache, followed by groans as the body and mind adjusts to the horrible thought that this is not a weekend and work beckons.
A quick shower revives the senses and off to work you go. Traffic is heavy as usual, drivers as intolerant as ever, and the rain contributes only to a sour mood amongst drivers. Then bang – a relatively minor shunt causing minimal damage to really kick off the day well.
It is, however. often this kind of minor road traffic incident that will cause traffic chaos at a peak time and attract the attention of the police with the result that there is roadside testing for drink and drugs.
The fact that you look great, feel fine and are not responsible for the accident will do nothing to mitigate the alcohol or drug levels in your body. Anyone who tells you that you can confidently predict alcohol or drug levels the morning after is not telling the truth.
What happens next may make the earlier headache pale into insignificance.
An arrest, charge and court appearance resulting in a minimum period of disqualification.
Will you keep your job? What will your partner say?
The safest message remains ‘none for the road’.
In some cases, there are legal defences available, and we can discuss these with you.
Sometimes there are arguments to avoid a disqualification.
When a legal defence is not possible, we work hard to mitigate the sentence and get your life back on track.
The Christmas drink drive campaign 2019
Your local police force will now have in place its Christmas and New Year drink and drug driving campaign, roadside testing will increase, and officers will be extra vigilant. You can read about the Nottinghamshire campaign here.
We hope that you do not need our services over the festive period, but if you so please be assured that we are here, on your side 24 hours a day.
Contact a drink drive specialist lawyer
If you do make a mistake and find yourself in trouble, there is a lot we can do to assist you.
In some cases the police will want to interview you about the offence. If this is the case, whether under arrest or as a volunteer, always make sure you seek our free and independent legal advice. You can read about the benefits here.
The police must follow complex procedures to establish a case against you. Our lawyers will be able to analyse the evidence to ensure that the procedures have been followed. We can successfully challenge the evidence in your case.
A road traffic solicitor can also investigate issues such as ‘laced drinks’ which can raise the opportunity to avoid disqualification. We will also consider other ‘special reasons’ that could be raised on your behalf. This might include the shortness of distance that was driven.
Well-presented mitigation can make a real difference to the outcome. Even where a disqualification cannot be avoided, we can often achieve a reduction in length.
Legal aid might be available dependent upon your means and the circumstances of your case. Alternatively, you will be able to fund your case through an affordable fixed fee.
Contact one of our drink drive solicitors at your nearest office if you are being investigated by the police or taken to court as a result of the Christmas drink drive campaign. They will, of course, be able to discuss and other driving matters that you face.
Alternatively you can use the contact form below to ask for a call about your case.