Conspiracy to defraud sentencing leads to positive client feedback

Nottingham crown court litigator Laura Clarson recently represented a client who face an allegation of conspiracy to defraud.
Laura’s client had been originally charged with conspiracy to defraud together with her brother. She also faced two separate charges of fraud.
The allegations were serious so although of good character there was a real risk of a prison sentence.
The Allegations
It was alleged that she was guilty of conspiracy to defraud because she had opened a bank account. Into this account money obtained by fraud could be deposited.
The individual frauds were based on the fact that she was in possession of two pre-paid cards that had been opened fraudulently. Large sums had been transferred onto the cards and the cards had been used. Both cards were registered to her address.
Conspiracy to defraud – basis of plea
At court, our client was represented by Nottingham criminal solicitor advocate Phil Plant. He was able to negotiate pleas to a limited number of charges. More importantly he was able to negotiate a basis of plea so that the risk of a prison sentence was reduced.
The prosecution accepted pleas to the conspiracy and to converting criminal property. The second charge was in relation to the bank account. Additionally, Phil persuaded the Crown not to pursue the charges relating to the pre-paid cards.
The basis of plea limited her involvement in the conspiracy to a single transaction. This accurately reflected our client’s admitted involvement in the conspiracy.
Mitigation for a Suspended Sentence
Following plea, Laura’s client had the benefit of a pre-sentence report prepared by probation. Phil put forward mitigation emphasising her limited involvement, personal circumstances and her previous good character. This led the Judge to decide he could suspend the prison sentence.
This was a very worrying time for our client so she was extremely relieved at being spared custody. We were very pleased to be able to help her at a difficult time.
Positive Client Feedback
Although our staff don’t expect it, they are always pleased when they receive a ‘thank you’ from clients who are pleased with the outcome of their case or know that we have done all we can to secure the best outcome for them.
In this case, Laura and Phil’s client wished to go further so went to the trouble and expense of sending a card and flowers.
In turn, we would like to wish our client all the best in the future and we hope that she is able to put what was an admittedly serious error of judgement behind her.
Contact Laura Clarson
Any Crown Court case will be serious so you will want a legal team who will fight to make sure you receive the best outcome. In instructing Laura Clarson you will know that she will give your case the time and attention that it needs.
Please telephone Laura on 0115 9599550 or email her here