Training on the role of the criminal defence solicitor in Derby
On Friday 6 October Derby criminal law solicitor Nick Wright gave a presentation to the Magistrates’ Association at Derby Magistrates’ Court.

This was at the invitation of Barbara Richardson, Chair of the Bench, and Chris Walker who is in charge of training. Nick was joined by fellow local solicitor Andy Cash. Andy gave his presentation about client issues relating to legal aid and other funding.
Nick relied upon his years of experience to give an insight into the role of the defence solicitor at the police station and at court. He also helped the Magistrates understand the work that goes into the preparation of a case before it is presented in court. He also brought Magistrates up to date with the current situation in relation to he potential for further criminal legal aid cuts.
The event was well attended by fifty or so local Justices of the Peace from East Midlands courts. Feedback suggested that the presentation was much appreciated. Over the two and a half hours Nick and Andy were able to answer many questions and hopefully provide a better understanding of defence work.
We are pleased to be able to continue a long tradition of providing such training to the Magistrates when asked. Nottingham partners Nick Walsh and Andrew Wesley have both helped with similar events in Nottingham over the years.
Contact a criminal law specialist
It may make sense for you to instruct a criminal solicitor who trains the very Magistrates who will be making a decision about your case. If you have court proceedings before Derby Magistrates’ Court then please do not hesitate to call Nick on 01332 546818 or use the contact form below.