Criminal Solicitors, Client Care and Travel
We have 6 offices across the Midlands, staffed with criminal solicitors who are specialists in the field of criminal defence.
Whilst it will come as no surprise that these locations are situated close to local Police Stations and Courts, we will happily travel much further to represent clients accused of criminal acts as the below case shows.

Recently, a client was arrested in the Chesterfield area, close towhere he lives. He was taken to Chesterfield Police Station, facing an allegation of a serious assault. He received advice and representation from Rob Lowe, an accredited police station representative based at our Chesterfield office.
The incident was alleged to have occurred in Skegness. Our client was interviewed in Chesterfield before being released on police bail to return to the police station on a future occasion.
Chesterfield to Skegness
Unfortunately, although the investigation had begun in Chesterfield, Rob’s client was told that he would have to make his next appearance at Skegness police station. This was a five hour round trip from his home.
Our experience as criminal solicitors tells us that unfortunately the police are often not ready to proceed with cases when suspects are due to return on bail. Knowing this, Rob tried to find out whether there was to be a re-interview or charge when his client returned to the police station, or whether a new date was to be fixed, or whether bail was to be cancelled.
Rob’s first priority was to prevent his client having a wasted journey. Secondly he would be able to keep him up to date as to the progress of the investigation.
The officer was spoken to in advance. He confirmed that Rob’s client was not required to attend and would provide a new date in due course. When the next date was approaching, the same question had to be asked again – did our client need to attend?
This process was repeated on several occasions before Rob was informed that his client was to be re-interviewed and would need to go to Skegness. Although many firms would choose to use an agent to provide representation for a case so far away, Rob travelled with his client to Skegness. This gave the client the advantage of an adviser who knew the case from the beginning.
Five Minute Police Interview
The interview could have been dealt with by the police in a more convenient way. In the event it lasted less that five minutes. The Client, however, was very grateful that not only had Rob told him that he must attend, but also that a member of VHS Fletchers Solicitors had travelled so far to continue to help him.
Our continued interest in his case was highlighted further as the solicitor for the co-accused in the case didn’t attend and hadn’t made arrangements for his client’s representation.
Contact one of our Criminal Solicitors

We recognise that your case will be extremely important to you. That is why, as criminal solicitors, we aim to provide our clients with continuity of representation. even where that involves travel as in this case. We will also take steps to minimise the inconvenience and anxiety cause by police investigations.
If you require the assistance of a firm of criminal solicitors who will go that extra mile (or in this case 160 miles) please contact your nearest office.
If it is Rob Lowe you are after then please telephone 01246 283000 or email him here.