A Freshers Guide to Staying Out of Trouble…
…With the Police
Every graduate remembers Freshers week well! It is your first real taste of total freedom from your parents. You have money, friends to make and a desire to prove your drinking prowess in the form of a variety of crazy drinking games just to get accepted into the rugby, rowing or hockey club.
Ten pints in and it is suddenly fun to lie in the road, rugby tackle a few passers-by for a laugh or run naked down the street.
The problem is that whilst you are out, carelessly stumbling around, CCTV cameras in city centres are watching your every move.
Arrested during Freshers Week?
Sadly, year after year, we represent students arrested, especially during Freshers week, for offences such as assault, criminal damage or causing harassment, alarm or distress in a public place, as well as possession of an illegal drug.
It is unlikely that most first offences will result in a prison sentence. The consequences, however, of the conviction on your future career may be great. It may even affect your ability to continue with your degree where the university instigate disciplinary proceedings.
This will be more likely when you are studying a vocational degree where as part of your learning, you have contact with the public. We have represented students studying medicine or nursing degrees, where their criminal conviction has brought them before the Fitness to Practice Panel of their regulatory body.
Free and independent legal advice
If you are unfortunate enough to get arrested during your degree, remember that everyone, regardless of their financial means, is entitled to free legal representation at the police station. The cost of this advice will be paid for by legal aid. This service can be accessed 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
If you are under investigation for a criminal offence or recently convicted AND your university is looking to bring proceedings against you, it is always worth contacting a solicitor to know and understand your rights and how best to proceed.
Contact a criminal law specialist
A specialist lawyer can be contacted through any of our office numbers at any time of the day or night to provide you with free and independent legal advice at the police station.
People being spoken to by the police for the first time might not think that they need a lawyer. Speaking without one would be a mistake.
Here are 10 good reasons why you will want to take advantage of our advice.
Details of your nearest office can be found here.

Alternatively you can use the contact form below.