Andrew Broome
Andrew qualified in 1990, and became a partner at Frisby and Co in the same year. He retired from Frisby & Co as Chairman and Head of Regulatory Crime in 2012, and has been employed by VHS Fletchers as a Consultant since March 2013.
During his career, Andrew has undertaken all forms of Criminal work, ranging from Homicide, offences against the person, and fraud. He is a qualified supervisor for Very High Cost Case work.
Firearms law specialist

Andrew has participated in all forms of shooting for over 30 years. His interest initially began with clay target shooting, progressing to handguns (when UK legal) and long-range rifle competitions both here and abroad.
He has a particular interest in large bore shotguns. This led to him becoming a passionate and accomplished hand loader of ammunition, both for Section 1 and Section 2 firearms.
Andrew’s involvement in the shooting sports naturally led to him developing a nationally recognised specialism in all aspects of firearms law. Initially this was principally acting for individual certificate holders, but it soon developed to a point where he received instructions from shooting clubs, Registered Firearms Dealers and International Firearms Dealers as his reputation and expertise became recognised.
In more recent times Andrew has been able to combine his Health and Safety and Regulatory knowledge to the benefit of all those engaged in the shooting industry so as to provide a single point of contact for legal compliance. In this capacity he frequently is invited to attend the Shot Show Las Vegas on behalf of clients as well as the IWA Exhibition in Nuremberg.
Areas of work covered but not limited to:
- Acting for certificate holders in relation to appeals against refusal to grant and/or revoke firearms and shotgun certificates.
- Handling licensing appeals on behalf of Registered Firearms Dealers including those seeking Registration.
- Acting for Home Office approved (and independent) shooting clubs/establishments on licensing matters.
- Acting for shooting establishments in relation to defending actions for noise nuisance including bringing appeals against the service of Noise Abatement Notices served under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
- Advising Registered firearms dealers on legal compliance on matters such as firearm manufacture, transport, testing and overnight storage including Section 5 weapons.
- Advising firearms and pyrotechnic manufacturers on Regulatory compliance and workshop safety.
- Advising shooting establishments on safe range operation and on health and safety issues relating to employee and public safety.
- Advising non-UK based firearms manufacturers/distributors on UK firearms law and regulatory compliance.
- Providing Audit services to RFD’s and manufacturers on legislative compliance and workshop safety.
- Defending anyone charged with Criminal offences arising from the use, possession or involvement of firearms.
Andrew currently enjoys life membership of a number of shooting clubs in recognition of his services to the sport and its members. He currently sits as the Independent Legal Member to the Audit Committee of the Royal Armouries and has a special advisory role to the National Firearm Centre. Andrew has recently accepted a position as Honorary Health and Safety Adviser to ASPI. the Association of Professional Shooting Instructors. He has advised a number of relevant specialist bodies including the Institute of Explosive Engineers.
In 2020 Andrew was made a Freeman of the City of London and in 2021 admitted as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers.
Health and Safety specialist
Andrew has conducted prosecution work for various government agencies and Local Authorities, stemming from his nationally recognised expertise in Health and Safety law. He has advised both the Police and Health and Safety Executive on a number of complex fatal accident investigations, many of which have gained considerable media attention. He has conducted joint HSE/Local Authority Prosecutions, and has also conducted similar joint prosecutions with the Environment Agency. He has represented the HSE on appeals to the Court of Appeal, and has a reputation for handling the most complex of cases.
Andrew regularly represents the Health and Safety Executive at Inquests, and at Notice appeals in the Employment Tribunal. His caseload has been vast and varied, having undertaken or overseen many hundreds of cases over a 24 year career.
He continues to undertake general and specialist criminal defence work for individuals and corporations against enforcing authorities for Regulatory criminal offences.