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David Gittins

David Gittins

chesterfield criminal defence solicitor david gittins
Chesterfield partner and crime solicitor David Gittins

Partner and criminal defence solicitor David Gittins is a perfect example of this firm’s wish to recruit with a view to training the Solicitors and Partners of the future. After an initial period as a paralegal, David undertook his training as a solicitor with Fletchers solicitors before qualifying as a solicitor in 2008 following the creation of VHS Fletchers Solicitors.

David has always specialised in criminal law, becoming a duty solicitor shortly after qualification and in more recent years has had responsibility for training a number of trainee solicitors within the firm, all of whom are flourishing in their roles as Criminal Defence Solicitors.

David has partnership responsibility for managing our Chesterfield office and wider involvement in the managing of the firm, notably across Derbyshire. His organisational skills mean that he can divide his time effectively between his management role and providing representation for his clients at the Police Station, Magistrates’ and Crown Courts.

Our clients will know that David is diligent, efficient, and hard-working. Often, he will spend time outside office hours to get work completed to ensure clients cases are fully prepared for the next hearing. David has embraced the introduction of digital and remote working. As a result, he can respond to clients quickly wherever he is in order to answer questions, deal with concerns and put clients at ease.

Once a client has met David, they will value the fact that he is straight talking and approachable, whether they meet him in a formal setting such as in the Police Station, in Court, or in Chesterfield town centre simply passing the time of day.

David will explain any case without the need to use complex legal terms. This ensures that clients fully understand all aspects of their case and feel comfortable in the often unusual environment in which they find themselves.

David’s strengths as a lawyer include examining each case on its own merits. He will make sure that there is evidence to prove each aspect of a case rather than taking the police or prosecution word for it. He will identify and focus on the true issues in any case, rather than becoming distracted by issues that cannot influence the outcome. His advocacy also invites any tribunal to identify with his client, meaning that each case is about his clients’ unique set of circumstances, whether that is a defence, the often complex reasons for committing a crime, or their family or other relevant situation. Each case becomes more than a simple application of any relevant guideline.


Chesterfield Office:
5 Beetwell
S40 1SH

Tel: 01246 387999
Email: david.gittins@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v C Public Order Offence. Magistrates’ Court prosecution arising from the national unrest during the summer of 2012. Despite allegations by police witnesses that the client was involved, he was acquitted.

R v D Manslaughter. Dealt with the preliminary stages of the case at the police station and the Magistrates’ Court. Bail was granted despite opposition from the prosecution, notwithstanding the fact the client had left the country between the incident and arrest.

R v K International Drug Conspiracy. Dealt with the investigation stage of a multi-handed drug conspiracy involving the importation of drugs into the UK through Columbia, Costa Rica, Belgium and Holland. The clients were interviewed in various police stations and prison locations during the complex investigation.

R v N Assault. The client was a long term prisoner who on the day he was due to move prisons was accused of assaulting an officer in his cell. The majority of the incident was witnessed by another prison officer, and both officers gave evidence at trial. The client was acquitted.

R v S Road Traffic Sentence. The client had 208 offences on his record including 58 instances of disqualified driving. For this most recent offence of disqualified driving he received a community order.

R v S Robbery Flawed Facebook identification exposed in this Youth Court trial leading to not guilty verdict.  Read more here.

R v J Grievous Bodily Harm. Suspended sentence order in the Magistrates’ Court for GBH allegation.  Read more here.

R v P Suspended Sentence Order Court persuaded to allow a further chance despite offending during the currency of a suspended sentence order.  Read more here.

R v D No Case to Answer Careful preparation of trial and limited questioning allows successful submission of no case to answer.  Read more here.

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