Police Interview following Theory Test

Nottingham criminal solicitor Jameel Malik recently represented a client who had attended Central Police station as a volunteer for police interview. She had requested the duty solicitor and Jameel attended.
His client was due to be questioned in a police interview under caution as she was said to have used a Bluetooth earpiece to obtain answers from somebody outside the testing room while taking her theory test.
This behaviour, if true, would amount to the offence of attempted fraud as she had not actually passed the test. When the offending had been detected she had potentially made matters worse by running away.
The matter could have been taken seriously by the police. Such behaviour has the capability of undermining the integrity of the testing system. Jameel was aware of a case that had recently been dealt with before Nottingham Crown Court where, in similar circumstances, that offender had received a sentence of 4 months immediate custody. Details of that case can be found here.
Jameel’s client had not been in trouble with the police before. She was accepting her responsibility for the offence. She was in the unfortunate position where she had paid to sit this test seven times without success.
Following her admissions and expressions of remorse during police interview, Jameel was able to negotiate an out of court disposal for his client. She was relieved to be offered Restorative Justice.
Contact Jameel about your police interview
A police interview under caution will always be free of charge to you under the legal aid scheme. This is true whether you are under arrest or being interviewed as a volunteer. It is also true whether the interview takes place at a police station and is recorded, or in your own home and is written down.
If you know that you are due to be interviewed then you will be able to make arrangements for Jameel to attend the interview with you so that there are no delays and he can look after your interests from the start.
Please contact Jameel on 0115 9599550 or email him here.