The Hidden Costs of Recreational Drugs
Despite all of the warnings, and many reasons not to, some people end up enticed into the world of so-called ‘recreational drugs’.
There are a great many substances that might properly be categorised as ‘recreational drugs’. Popular substances include cannabis and cocaine. First use often occurs at a party. Normal inhibitions may have been diminished by alcohol or the sheer fun of the occasion. Despite the apparent short-term joys that might flow from the use of a drug, the harsh reality will be felt for some for a long time after that.
This is the darker side of drug use, as seen through the eyes of the criminal justice system. It is told through a series of case studies.
Sara’s drug driving conviction
‘Sara saw no harm in smoking a few joints of cannabis. If anything, she felt better than she had for a long time. She was never stupid enough to drink drive, but did not realise just how long cannabis would remain in her system.
But for the faulty brake light the police officer would not have pulled her over the next morning, would not have asked for a roadside drugs test, would not have arrested her and kept her in a cell for 5 hours and would not have charged her with drug driving and had her produced before a court.
But for her ignorance of the effect of drugs, she would not have been disqualified from driving for 18 months and would not have lost her job.’
Daniel’s caution for possession of ecstasy
‘If Daniel hadn’t been spotted by club security, nobody would have been any the wiser, but he was. The ejection from the club was not something that particularly bothered him, and receiving a police caution seemed like a slap on the wrist, of little consequence.
In the morning Daniel returned to his job, and normality resumed, until late Summer when taking the family to the United States for a well-earned summer holiday.
Little did he know that one simple caution for a drugs offence could have led to him being refused entry to the US and placed on the next flight home. Daniel hadn’t mentioned the nightclub incident to his family. Until now.’
Rachel’s caution for possession of cocaine
‘8 A* at GCSE, 3 A* at A Level, a first-class degree in medicine. Life was good for Rachel until she accepted a caution for possessing a tiny amount of cocaine. Rachel will never forget the arrest and police caution, not just because of how frightening and embarrassing the experience was, but because on each medical job application she completes, throughout her entire career, she will have to disclose it.’
How We Can Assist if you are arrested for recreational drugs
Regrettably, for us, stories like those of Sara, Daniel and Rachel are familiar.
If you are arrested for any offence please seek legal advice before being interviewed by the police. Minor drug offences are often dealt with by way of police caution, and it is tempting to try and get the process over with as quickly as possible.
In reality, however, despite what you may be told or think, asking for a solicitor not only costs nothing (as you qualify for legal aid) but does not delay your release from custody.
In many instances, it speeds up your release. It also means that we can advise on the best long-term options for you.
We all make mistakes, but often the biggest mistake is not taking legal advice.
Contact your nearest office for emergency legal advice
Our advice and representation in police interview if you are spoken to about recreational drugs will be free of charge. All of our office numbers are answered 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The advice will be free whether you are interviewed while under arrest or as a volunteer. You can find more about the benefit of legal advice generally here.

You can find your nearest office here or use the contact form below.