Road Traffic Representation
Despite a late instruction for representation in a road traffic case, Mansfield crime solicitor Melanie Hoffman mitigated to avoid a disqualification on behalf of her client.
Mel’s client had dealt with the early stages of the case himself, pleading guilt to an allegation of careless driving by post. He had admitted driving through a red light which resulted in a collision with a bus. A number of passengers were taken to hospital having sustained injuries.
The client’s case was aggravated by the fact that he already had 3 penalty points on his licence.
Following receipt of his guilty plea by post, the Magistrates had adjourned his case for him to attend. There would then be consideration given to whether he ought to be disqualified. It was after receiving the adjournment notice that Mel was instructed to represent him.
The client had mitigation relevant to the issue of disqualification:
- his partner lived some distance away
- he and a colleague were dependent upon his licence to get to work
- he provided care for his elderly grandmother and needed his vehicle for this
- alternative means of transport to allow him to undertake his responsibilities would have been too expensive for his wages
Every sentencing hearing involves balancing the seriousness of the offence against any personal circumstances that can properly be put forward on a client’s behalf. In this case, Mel was able to persuade the Magistrates that it was not necessary to impose points that would have led to a totting disqualification, nor to impose a discretionary ban.
Instead, the Mansfield Magistrates imposed 7 penalty points along with the financial penalty. Mel’s client was able to continue to drive, work and undertake family responsibilities.

Although it is not impossible to obtain legal aid for such offences, it i more difficult. If legal aid is not available we are able to represent you for an affordable fixed fee.
If you wish to discuss a road traffic case with Mel then please contact her at our Mansfield office 01623 675816 or email her here. Otherwise contact a lawyer at your nearest office.