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Nick Walsh

nottingham criminal defence lawyer Nick Walsh
Nottingham partner and crime solicitor Nick Walsh

Nick has been qualified as a solicitor for nearly 30 years and has specialised in criminal law since qualification. He has been qualified as a Duty Solicitor for much of that time, and has held the solicitors’ Higher Court Qualification since 2006 which allows him to provide continuity or representation in the police station, Magistrates’ and Crown Courts.

As a result, Nick has a wealth of experience and as such is a well-respected and trusted solicitor, not only by his clients but also by his peers and other professional court users.

Nick is known for paying great attention to the detail of the case, coupled with an ability to identify the real and important issues in a case, whether it be for trial or mitigation following plea. This calm and structured approach furthers his aim to make what is often a very daunting experience as easy as possible by taking time to explain what is to happen in a simple and easy to understand way.

Nick is a partner and the departmental supervisor for Nottingham police station and Magistrates’ Court work. He is also a member of the Nottinghamshire Law Society Criminal Business Sub-Committee.

Recent cases and feedback for Nick can be found here and here.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: nick.walsh@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v M Historic Appeal against Conviction. The client was convicted of a serious wounding of a police officer in the early ‘80’s. The appeal was allowed on the basis that the police conduct in obtaining confessions was, by modern standards, so poor that the confessions should not have been before the jury and therefore the conviction was unsafe.

R v L Sexual Assault. The client was a 13 year old boy of good character facing a charge of sexual assault on an 11 year old girl. The case involved cross-examination of two vulnerable witnesses via the video link, after which the client was acquitted.

R v B Potential Driving Disqualification. The client admitted 4 further speeding offences while already having 12 penalty points on his licence. It was successfully argued that the client would suffer exceptional hardship if the defendant was disqualified and the client kept his licence.

R v S Knife Point Robbery. Careful mitigation meant that an 18 year old of good character avoided what was apparently an inevitable custodial sentence by reference to the guidelines.

R v W Murder. The client faced an allegation of murder having thrown a metal pole at a neighbour during an argument. Thorough preparation, including liaising with the police and home office pathologist to recreate the level of force required to kill using a dead pig, persuaded the prosecution to accept a plea to manslaughter instead.


Laura Clarson

Laura first worked for VHS in 2006 during a placement year on her degree course. She began working full time as a Crown Court litigator in 2008 following graduation and then obtained her PSQ permitting her to represent any client facing any offence at the police station.

Laura has gained substantial experience over this period in all types of case. She builds a good rapport with clients and their families, particularly with younger clients. Anyone who meets her in relation to a case will know that she truly cares about the outcome and securing the best result for the client.

Laura passed her Legal Practice Course in the autumn of 2018 and completed her training in the summer of 2020.  She qualified as a solicitor in August 2020 and as a Duty Solicitor later that year.

Her patience means that she is ideally suited to deal with those clients who may need extra care and attention, and all clients will be won over by her positive and optimistic approach to every case.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: laura.clarson@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v F Public Disorder. Large scale public disorder between traveller families resulted in an 8 day trial. The client was acquitted despite forensic evidence on his footwear connecting him with the incident.

R v S Cannabis Production. Client accepted responsibility for a cannabis grow of over 150 plants with some cropped for onward distribution. A suspended sentence was imposed.

R v T and another. Both clients faced a serious allegation of aggravated burglary involving the taking of weapons into an occupied house and violence being inflicted on the occupants. Detailed preparation of the case allowed representations to be made to the Crown and no evidence was offered and the cases dismissed.

R v D Trafficking. A 15 year old was prosecuted for his role as a gardener for cannabis production. Careful enquiry demonstrated that the client was likely to have been illegally trafficked into this country for criminal purposes and as a result the prosecution accepted that it wasn’t in the public interest to pursue the case.

R v S Youth Defendant. A 15 year old defendant was before the Crown Court for allegations of kidnap, false imprisonment and assault of another youth. Case eventually compromised with a plea to false imprisonment and the case was sent back to the Youth Court for a non-custodial sentence.

R v N Rape. Detailed analysis of mobile phone material persuaded the prosecution that there was no realistic prospect of conviction and the case was dropped.

R v J.  Conspiracy to Defraud.  Nottingham client avoids immediate prison sentence for offending at Nottingham Crown Court. Read more here.

R v P.  Historic sex allegations.  Not guilty verdict for client at Derby Crown Court.  Read more here.

R v M.  Firearms Offences. Specialist counsel and expert witness instructed to secure not guilty verdicts before Wolverhampton Crown Court. Read more here.


Julia Haywood

Julia undertook her training with VHS solicitors, qualifying in 2000 and becoming a Duty Solicitor in 2001.

After building a reputation for diligent and methodical preparation in the police station and Magistrates’ Court, Julia has brought her attention to detail to bear on a significant number of serious, high profile cases, including some notable Very High Cost Cases. These include allegations of contract killings, international fraud and complex confiscation proceedings.

Julia is always in demand due to her sympathetic and understanding manner with her clients, who have sought her advice over the years and are always happy to recommend friends and associates to her.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: Julia.haywood@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v R. and others. Murder. High profile executions style double murder of an elderly couple said to have been retribution following a shooting in Nottingham the previous year.

R v H. Confiscation proceedings. Proceeds of Crime application following another high profile trial. Crown initially seeking £15M in benefit, but matter eventually compromised with an agreed assets of £283K.

R v M. Drugs Conspiracy. Client was a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company who was charged as part of a global conspiracy to import fake Viagra. Investigations in Sweden, the Caribbean and the Far East had generated a substantial amount of evidence. Following careful analysis the Crown was persuaded to offer no evidence at the start of the trial.

R v K and others. Drugs Conspiracy. Client was part of a multi-handed case involving 12 members of the same family. Client’s ultimate sentence reflected constructive dialogue with the Crown as to a realistic basis of plea.

R v S and others. Drugs Conspiracy. Complex confiscation proceedings where matters were dealt with by agreement to the satisfaction of all clients.

R v D Domestic Assault. Client was arrested for wounding with intent after she stabbed her violent ex-partner with scissors. She was living in a refuge at the time with her young son due to his violence. The case involved extremely careful handling due to the client’s distress, and the risk that she might lose care of her child. The client was not charged having satisfied the police in interview that she was acting in self-defence.


Jon Hullis

Jon Hullis – Partner, Regulatory and Motoring Law Solicitor

Jon qualified as a solicitor in 1997 and was a Duty Solicitor from 1999. He is a Higher Courts Advocate who is qualified to represent his clients before the Crown Court and Court of Appeal.

As a result, Jon has substantial experience defending every type of criminal case, providing advice and representation in police stations, Magistrates’ and Crown Courts, and has appeared in several cases in the Court of Appeal and in the High Court.

In addition to his criminal defence cases, Jon works on Regulatory Law cases where he represents the Health and Safety Executive in prosecutions relating to breaches of all aspects of health and safety legislation throughout the country. He often represents the Health and Safety Executive at Coroner’s Inquests. He also represents clients in cases relating to firearms law.

He has extensive experience of defending clients charged with driving offences, from speeding to causing death by dangerous driving. Jon has represented professional drivers and those whose livelihoods depend on having a driving licence. Jon is an expert in the technical defences in cases such as drink and drug driving, including post-driving consumption and spiked drinks. He regularly represents clients in putting forward evidence of “exceptional hardship” to avoid disqualification for having twelve or more penalty points. Jon has successfully made legal arguments for the court to use its discretion not to impose mandatory driving disqualifications on the basis of “Special Reasons” for cases involving drink/drug driving, dangerous driving of Large Goods Vehicles and drink driving on e-scooters.

Jon’s forensic approach to cases means that his skills have also been successfully brought to bear on the more technical kinds of proceedings before the Magistrates’ Court. He has considerable success in defending the more complex cases including prosecutions for Dangerous Dogs and applications for Criminal Behaviour Orders.

Jon has provided in-house training to businesses who operate fleets of vehicles, and given talks to motoring groups and clubs.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550

Email: jon.hullis@vhsfletchers.co.uk

Not guilty of failing to provide driver’s details. Business owner found not guilty of failing to provide driver’s details (section 172 Road Traffic Act 1988) after a single written demand from a police officer. Client gave evidence that he had returned the notice with the required information. Magistrates acquitted as they could not be sure that the reply had not been sent.

Representation of Estate Agent – 12 points but no driving ban. Busy and successful estate agent faced a penalty points ban for accumulating 12 penalty points within 3 years. Thorough preparation of evidence to successfully argue that no ban should be imposed due exceptional hardship based on the inevitable impact on the business and the consequent risk of staff redundancies.

Representation of nightclub Door Supervisor. Represented SIA-badged door supervisor charged with assaulting a customer who had been ejected from the nightclub. Video evidence showed that the doorman had not acted in self-defence and would have been convicted if he had a trial. Guilty plea entered and the case then turned on getting the best possible outcome for the client. Thankfully, the court agreed with the mitigation and character references and imposed a Conditional Discharge – the lowest sentence possible.

Possession of shotgun without certificate. Representation in the magistrates’ court of a young farmer whose shotgun certificate had been revoked. Due to an oversight, his change of address had not been notified, meaning the notification had been sent to his former address and he was unaware of the revocation and was therefore in possession of a shotgun without a certificate. Guilty plea and significant mitigation led to a small fine of £93 being imposed.

Representation of shotgun licence holder charged with transferring a shotgun to a non-licence holder and failing to notify the transfer. Successful representations to the prosecutor resulted in one charge being withdrawn. Powerful mitigation persuaded the Magistrates to impose a Conditional Discharge for the remaining offence.

Representation of a retired gunsmith following a police search warrant being executed at his home and the seizure of his collection of more than a hundred antique firearms. Represented at formal police interview under caution. Presentation of evidence and detailed expert submissions to the police led to the return of every seized firearm.

R v P. Court of Appeal. Appeal against sentence. Four year sentence reduced to two years on appeal.

R v W. Court of Appeal. Appeal against sentence. Sentence of 36 months for offence of unlawful wounding reduced to 28 months on appeal.

R v H. Court of Appeal. Appeal against sentence. Sentence of 4 years 8 months for drug trafficking reduced to 4 years on appeal.

R v E. Court of Appeal. Appeal against sentence. Successful appeal for offences of supplying Class A drugs. Sentence reduced from 3 years 4 months to 2 years 9 months.

R v J. Court of Appeal. Appeal against sentence. Successful appeal against prison sentence for historic sexual offence. Replaced with Community Order.

High Court Appeal by Case Stated. Appeal on a point of law against the conviction by Magistrates of client charged with domestic assault. Client was accused of a physical assault on his estranged wife. Following cross-examination of prosecution witnesses by Jon Hullis, Magistrates did not find the physical assault proved, but nevertheless went on to convict of a non-physical assault. Jon lodged an appeal and appeared at the High Court, resulting in the conviction being quashed.

Representation of e-scooter rider for “driving” with excess alcohol. Successful argument of Special Reasons with no driving ban imposed for a student who rode the council-hired e-scooter a short distance with no other vehicles around.

Representation of Large Goods Vehicle driver charged with dangerous driving after his vehicle overturned on an urban roundabout. Successful argument of Special Reasons with no driving ban imposed based on the unusual circumstances involving the operator not supplying appropriate load restraints and wrongly telling the driver that it was safe, with a threat of being sacked if he didn’t obey.

Successful representation of business owner to keep his driving licence. Representation of the owner of a chain of pharmacies who had accumulated 12 penalty points for speeding offences. Thorough preparation and gathering of evidence resulted in successful argument of “exceptional hardship” and the client being able to continue driving.

Speeding – Special Reasons found – No ban or points. Represented director of a security company who overtook an unmarked police car and was seen to drive at over 90 MPH in a 50 limit. Careful preparation of case and supporting evidence. Successful argument of Special Reasons as a result of client’s genuine fear for his safety from the occupants of another car after well documented threats to his life. Resulted in no ban, no penalty points, no fine and no prosecution costs.

VOSA Prosecution. Representing five clients who were HGV drivers accused of a conspiracy to falsify tachograph records resulting from alleged driving without tacho cards inserted.

Security Industry Authority prosecution. Clients were directors of a security company prosecuted by the SIA for using unlicensed security operatives.

Careless Driving. Client was a motorcyclist charged with careless driving after he was involved in a collision that left him with serious spinal injuries.

Dangerous Driving. Client was a type-1 diabetic driver charged with dangerous driving after he suffered a sudden hypoglycaemic episode while driving, resulting in numerous collisions on the M1 and adjoining roads and culminating in a serious collision with a building. A report was commissioned from the country’s leading expert on ‘hypoglycaemia unawareness’ resulting in the Crown Prosecution Service offering no evidence and the charge being dismissed.

Causing Death by Dangerous Driving. Client was a farmer investigated after a motorcyclist died following a collision with his vehicle as he made a right turn. Representation at investigation stage resulted in no charges being brought.

Represented off-duty police officer accused of using Disorderly Behaviour towards police officers. Trial involved cross-examination of police prosecution witnesses and detailed presentation of CCTV evidence that proved the client’s innocence. Client acquitted.

Representation of driver charged with causing the death of a motorcyclist by dangerous driving and whilst uninsured. Also, representation of her husband for permitting her to drive whilst uninsured.


John Young

John has over 30 years’ experience working as a defence solicitor within the criminal justice system. Having qualified in 1983 he worked initially in general practice dealing with both contentious and non-contentious matters. He then moved to specialise in litigation and by 1992 was the partner in charge of the criminal department at Pinders solicitors.

John is a very experienced and trusted advocate. He defends clients from diverse backgrounds and across all ages who face a wide range of offences. He also has extensive experience of representing clients at the police station and in other types of investigations such as those by the DWP and local authorities.

He has been a Duty Solicitor at both the police station and Magistrates’ Court since the very early years of those schemes and was a member of the Derby Duty Solicitor Committee until it was disbanded.

Across the years John has developed many valuable contacts with other agencies within the criminal justice system, such as the Probation Service and Youth Offending Team. This, together with his wealth of knowledge and experience, has made John a respected advocate. He is approachable and candid in his dealings with clients, and robust when representing them.


Derby Office:
8 St Mary’s Gate,

Tel: 01332 546818
Email: john.young@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v T. Animal Cruelty. Represented and 80 year old woman and her daughter prosecuted for persistent mistreatment of a herd of ponies.

R v S. Murder. Litigator in a case involving a knife attack on several customers in a Derbyshire pub.

R v J. Murder. Litigator in a case of murder arising from a stabbing after a family dispute over pieces of frozen chicken.

R v A and others. Sexual offences. Litigator in relation to the first prosecution in the East Midlands of a sex-ring involving the grooming of vulnerable young females.

R v R. Local Authority Prosecution. The client was alleged to have deliberately introduced unfit meat into the human food chain.

R v B. Manslaughter. The client was alleged to have undertaken a revenge attack following and incident of road rage, throwing a brick through the deceased’s window leading to his death.

R v T. Burglary. An unusual case where the client was a security guard filmed committing a burglary on premises he was supposed to be guarding, being capture on the premises’ CCTV.

R v J. Breach Restraining Order. Immediate prison sentence avoided for client with a particularly poor record for similar offending, while on community orders for the same offences.    Read more here.

R v I. Early Guilty Plea. Suspended sentence order secured for client facing four assault charges including ABH.  Read more here.


Jim Buckley

Jim joined VHS Fletchers in 2001 having qualified as a solicitor in 1991. After gaining years of experience dealing with clients from the police station through to the conclusion of Crown Court cases, he now specialises in representing clients across the country in the police station and the Magistrates’ Court.

Since joining the firm, Jim has worked on a number of serious criminal cases which, of note, involve murder, manslaughter, rapes and serious sexual assaults.

Jim has concentrated his time predominantly on appearing on a daily basis in the Magistrates’ Court.

His substantial experience allows him to boast of an excellent reputation as an intelligent advocate, securing an impressive acquittal rate at trial as well as notable results when dealing with sentences and bail applications, which no doubt influences clients when they return to him for advice and representation or recommend him to friends and associates. A particular specialism is the forensic analysis of the legality of police behaviour in any given case, analysing whether there are opportunities to exclude evidence secured by unlawful means.

Jim is an expert on offences relating to football matches. He has considerable success in representing clients charged with offences alleged before, during or after matches. He is experienced in defending applications for Football Banning Orders.

He also has a reputation for being able to represent clients who can be considered challenging and with clients with mental health difficulties.

Jim is a Duty Solicitor and has held the Higher Rights Qualification permitting him to provide representation to his clients before the Crown Court.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: jim.buckley@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v B Murder. Client accused of murder by way of injecting a fellow drug user with heroin. An acquittal was secured.

R v C Murder. A case of a man with no prior criminal involvement who was accused of murder of his partner and whose first court appearance was therefore on a murder charge.

R v T. Successful Defence in Football Law case. Our client was charged with a public order offence for allegedly shouting a homophobic insult at a Nottingham Forest player. Successful representation at trial led to acquittal after expert cross-examination of police officer witnesses.

R v W. Sexual Offences. A multiple rape allegation involving alleged rapes from a number of counties and a series of trials.

R v C. Domestic Violence. A serving prison officer was accused of a domestic assault. An acquittal was secured after trial had been adjourned four times.


Jameel Malik

Nottingham criminal solicitor
Nottingham crime solicitor Jameel Malik

A Nottingham man born and bred, Jameel has been representing clients at the police station since 2012.  He qualified as a solicitor in the summer of 2016, following his successful training with VHS Fletchers solicitors.

During his time with this firm he has gained experience in dealing with the full range of offences from homicides, drug and sexual offences, immigration offences, frauds and driving offences.

Jameel has acted for a wide range of clients from actors, footballers, business men, students, foreign nationals, vulnerable adults, youths and all walks of life.

He has travelled all over the country to represent clients, including Birmingham, Cardiff, Liverpool, London and Manchester. Jameel is diligent and hard-working, and will bring his best to the police station in and out of normal office hours.

Jameel is capable of building a good rapport with all clients. He is a good listener and always put the client’s needs first. He won’t be rushed by pressure from the police, and will battle with the police when necessary in his client’s best interests.

Duty Solicitor Qualification

Jameel has obtained his duty solicitor qualification which will entitle him to have a place on the Nottingham duty rota from January 2017.  This builds on his police station accreditation (PSQ) which has allowed him to represent clients at the police station for the full range of offences.  He can now advise all clients, whether they come to the firm due to a specific request for our advice or through the duty solicitor scheme.

Crime Solicitor Fluent in Punjabi and Urdu

Jameel is fluent in Punjabi and Urdu which gives him a clear advantage when dealing with those client’s where English is not their first language. He is able to give clear advice that is appropriate to particular the circumstances, tailoring the manner of that advice to a client’s particular vulnerabilities. He knows when a client’s interests are served by staying silent, and when by them answering questions.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: Jameel.malik@vhsfletchers.co.uk

A. Production of Cannabis. Client found with several cannabis plants in his address. Notwithstanding the sentencing guidelines, successful representations were made to allow the client to be given a police caution.

D. Murder. Police station advice given where the client was accused of being involved in a murder where an address had been targeted and fire-bombed.

A. City Centre Violence. The client, who was a vulnerable adult, had been accused of assaulting members of the public on a night out in the city centre.

S. Football Related Violence. The client had attended a football match where he had been accused of running on to the football pitch and assaulting a player.

M. Fraud. The client had been duped into providing her details to purchase prestige cars and secure large loans. This included detailed analysis of complex financial evidence combined with lengthy interviews with client.

Q. Knife Crime. The client was accused of being in possession of a knife in a public place. It was correctly identified that the client had a lawful defence that was put forward in interview.


Helen Lees

nottingham criminal solicitor helen lees
Crime and Regulatory solicitor Helen Lees

Helen qualified as a Solicitor in 1995, joining VHS Fletchers in 2004 having already specialised for 11 years in criminal defence work at another local practice. She became a Duty Solicitor in 1996 in Nottingham and began to specialise in working with young people who fund themselves both in the police station and in the Youth Court.

She has experience of defending those charged with offences ranging from shop theft to murder, and is aims to provide exceptional client care whatever the charge may be. She is an able advocate and she enjoys the challenge of conducting trials.

In 2014, she branched out from her daily appearances in the Magistrates and Youth Court and joined the regulatory team at VHS Fletchers. She prosecutes for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on a national basis, in complex and serious cases. She is part of a well-regarded team who undertake this work for the HSE, and now appears at inquest hearings representing the HSE, as well as prosecutions in Magistrates and Crown Court. Her extensive experience in defending in the first part of her career, has proved invaluable in providing advice on procedure and evidence in regulatory prosecutions.

In the time that she has been in the regulatory department, Helen has undertaken a wide range of prosecutions including the prosecution of a company who failed to protect its employees during asbestos removal, to prosecutions of companies following serious and fatal accidents sustained at work, and prosecution of gas fitters who are not registered, and undertake defective work.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550

Email: helen.lees@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v C Historic Sexual Abuse. The client was a head teacher charged with historical abuse allegations. Advice and representation provided from the police station through to trial where the client was acquitted

R v DZ Attempted Murder. A vulnerable Chinese national who had been trafficked to the United Kingdom and who spoke no English was charged with an attack on a madam running a brothel. The Crown were persuaded to accept a lesser charge of s20 Wounding.

R v SS Conspiracy to commit armed robbery. The Client was interviewed unrepresented in the police station but diligent post charge investigations led to the interviews being ruled inadmissible due to the police’s actions.

R v K Murder. This client was extremely vulnerable due to his physical and learning difficulties combines with a lack of English. The case involved spending 4 days with him at the police station during the interviews, providing advice and support to him from that point through to sentencing.

R v A CCTV. A youth with no previous convictions was charged with robbery. Thorough preparation and analysis of the CCTV footage that had been available to the police from the outset showed that her client could not have committed the offence.

R v C Assault. The client was a care home worker of good character charged with assaulting a resident during an outing. He was found not guilty after trial.

R v N and S Regulatory defence. A company and an individual director were prosecuted for serious breaches of fire regulations with regard to a student lettings development. A custodial sentence for the Director was avoided.


Derek Brown

Nottingham crime solicitor Derek Brown

Derek is a true criminal law specialist. He is a Duty Solicitor, and has substantial experience in all areas of criminal law. He advises clients from all walks of life, providing representation in the police station, Youth and Magistrates’ Courts.

Those that work with him know that that although he is extremely hard working he manages to combine this with a relaxed approach that, along with his ability to provide practical advice and sensible solutions, puts his clients at ease. Derek believes that these are all important qualities, recognising that police investigations and court proceedings can be very difficult experiences for those involved.

His strong work ethic and easy manner proves popular with clients, and as a result he has a tremendous client following, with clients not hesitating to seek his services again or refer friends or family to him if they are in legal difficulties.

Derek has provided advice in very serious cases that have made both local and national headlines. These include large scale drug conspiracies, murder, armed robberies and other serious firearms offences such as drive-by shootings. He is a firm believer that advice provided at the police station is of great importance to a case as a whole, and will help direct police investigations and the progress of any court case. As a result, Derek is committed to providing advice to clients 24/7.


Nottingham Office:
111 Carrington Street,

Tel: 0115 9599550
Email: derek.brown@vhsfletchers.co.uk

R v J Terrorism. The client was a foreign national arrested on suspicion of terrorism. Successful representations were made that the consultation booth did not comply with the Codes of Practice in terms of confidentiality. The client was eventually refused charge.

R v B Bad Character Evidence. The client was a man with a substantial criminal record in excess of 100 offences of dishonesty. Despite the evidence being admitted, the client was acquitted of a further offence of dishonesty.

R v C Drug Supply. Advice given at the police station and subsequent successful bail application made for a client said to be involved in drug supply with a value of £100 000. Argument accepted that the true value of the amphetamine was only £1300.

R v D Public Disorder. Represented a client said to have taken part in citywide disorder during the summer of 2012. Despite evidence placing the client at the scene successful representations were made that he could not be implicated in the disorder and no further action was taken.

R v G Road Traffic Offence. Successful argument against a totting disqualification allowed the hard-working client to keep both of his jobs.

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