Tag Archives: donation

Support Nottingham Law Centre with the Nottingham Law Walk

The Nottingham Law Centre is currently preparing and recruiting for this year’s Nottingham Legal Walk.  It is due to take place on Thursday 10 May 2018, beginning at 5.30pm.  The aim is for walkers to raise funds for legal advice charities such as the Law Centre.

The Law Centre is a valuable resource for the vulnerable in Nottingham.  During the financial year 2016/2017 the Law Centre helped the following clients:

These positive outcomes were achieved:

More information about the last year can be found here.

Why do the Nottingham Legal Walk?

David Howarth, practice manager at the Law Centre, writes:

“10K is quite a big ask for those of us who spend most of our time sat behind a desk.  We take part, however, to raise much needed funds for charities like ours.  This is especially important at a time of seemingly never-ending cuts.

It is also a great opportunity to raise awareness about the day-to-day issues and struggles faced by people living in Nottingham.”

Sally Denton, supervising solicitor says:

“We really need the money.  We are seeing cuts in funding whilst we are trying to help more people with more complicated issues.

It is good to be able to help people avoid eviction or to secure housing after they have been street homeless for ages but it needs resources to get results.”

Please click here to make a financial donation.

If you would like to join David, Sally and the Law Centre staff for some (or all) of the Nottingham Legal Walk then you can email him here for details.

As a minimum, David would ask that you keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain!