Tag Archives: police station representative

It’s never too late for free police station advice

restorative justice
Accredited police station representative Rob Lowe

Despite very late contact with his client, accredited police station representative Rob Lowe was still able to provide free police station advice to secure a restorative justice outcome rather than a police caution.

Negotiation with police under legal aid scheme

Rob was called by a client who had already been interview in relation to allegations of affray and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.  Unfortunately, he had chosen not to seek our free and independent legal advice at that stage.

It appeared that he had made admissions to the assault in this police interview. He had been released under investigation but the police had contacted him some time later as they intended to give him an official police caution to end the matter.

Unfortunately, our client’s work involved him being a frequent visitor to the United States of America.  Understandably he had concerns that a caution might prevent him form getting into the States in the future.  As a result, he was reluctant to accept the caution.  He also raised an issue that he perhaps had not made admissions and had told the police that the complainant was the aggressor.

restorative justiceRob travelled to Sheffield from our Chesterfield office to go to the police station with his client.  This allowed him to speak to the police officer dealing with the case to determine whether a police caution was an appropriate way to deal with the case.  Was the evidence there to support the offence?  Had his client actually admitted the offence?  If there was an admission was a restorative justice option available instead of a police caution?

Having spoken to the officer, Rob concluded that the police officer was acting appropriately by offering a caution.  There was evidence from the complainant and photographs of injuries.  His client had made an admission to an assault, albeit on a limited basis.

Restorative justice outcome negotiated

Instead of simply accepting the caution, Rob was then able to make successful representations that he case be dealt with by way of a restorative justice disposal.  This was agreed by both the client and the complainant in the case.  The outcome simply involved our client keeping away from the complainant.

This outcome meant that our client did not receive a criminal record and does not need to worry about future business trips to America.

Speak to a specialist police station adviser for free

As we have a contract with the government to permit us to provide expert legal advice and representation under the legal aid scheme.  This means that our advice in the police station will always be free of charge to you in the police station.

There are many advantages to seeking advice in the police station and you can read about those here.

Read more about the benefits of instructing our solicitors and litigators here.

You can find your nearest office here.  All of our phone numbers are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to allow you to seek our expert advice when you most need it.

restorative justice
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the form below.




Successful Police Station Accreditation for Elliott Moulster

Ilkeston crime solicitor Elliott Moulster
Trainee solicitor Elliott Moulster

We are pleased to announce that our trainee solicitor Elliott Moulster has successfully completed his Police Station Accreditation.

This means that he is now able to represent clients at the police station who have requested the duty solicitor.  He has also proved himself able to represent our own clients or duty clients who face the most serious of allegations that if charged could only be heard at the Crown Court.

Police station accreditation

As would be expected, the process for securing such a qualification is onerous.  Although Elliott was exempted from the written examination as he has completed the Legal Practice Course, he still have to undertake the preparation of a portfolio of his work for assessment and take part in the Critical Incidents Test.

Two part portfolio

The Portfolio is in two parts.  For the first part he had to work with experienced Duty Solicitor Lauren Manuel.  He attended the police station with her and observed two cases where she provided the advice.  Elliott then attended on two further occasions and was observed providing the advice himself.

The second part of the portfolio involved Elliott attending the police station himself, assessing the evidence and providing the advice himself.  He then had the opportunity of speaking with Lauren about the issues that arose and the decisions that he made.

The written portfolio is then assessed by an independent organisation to ensure that Elliott has demonstrated the necessary understanding of the complex law and evidential issues that can arise at the police station.  Only when he has proved that can he pass the accreditation.

Critical incidents test

The Critical Incidents Test is the second part of the assessment.  The purpose of this test was to assess your Elliott’s effectiveness in the police station.  It simulates police station situations so Elliott had to listen to audio recordings of extracts from typical police station situations.  He then had to record appropriate responses to these conversation.

The purpose of this test was to assess:

  • the appropriateness of his responses
  • his oral communication skills, and
  • his assertiveness

As a result, if Elliott should represent you at the police station then you can be sure that you are in safe hands.  His abilities have been independently tested before he meets you!

Contact a solicitor or police station representative

nottingham crime solicitor police station accreditationWe offer 24 hour representation at police interviews nationwide.  If you are a suspect in a criminal investigation such representation will always be free of charge to you under the legal aid scheme where you are interviewed by the police, whether this is as a volunteer or under arrest, whether in the police station or at another location such as your home.

Please contact your local office if you know you are to be interviewed, or make sure the police contact us if you are under arrest.  Any of our office numbers will allow you to speak to a lawyer 24 hours a day all year round.

Criminal Solicitors, Client Care and Travel

We have 6 offices across the Midlands, staffed with criminal solicitors who are specialists in the field of criminal defence.

Whilst it will come as no surprise that these locations are situated close to local Police Stations and Courts, we will happily travel much further to represent clients accused of criminal acts as the below case shows.

crime solicitor chesterfield
Chesterfield Police Station Representative Rob Lowe

Recently, a client was arrested in the Chesterfield area, close towhere he lives.  He was taken to Chesterfield Police Station, facing an allegation of a serious assault.  He received advice and representation from Rob Lowe, an accredited police station representative based at our Chesterfield office.

The incident was alleged to have occurred in Skegness.   Our client was interviewed in Chesterfield before being released on police bail to return to the police station on a future occasion.

Chesterfield to Skegness

Unfortunately, although the investigation had begun in Chesterfield, Rob’s client was told that he would have to make his next appearance at Skegness police station.  This was a five hour round trip from his home.

chesterfield crime solicitors
Skegness Police Station

Our experience as criminal solicitors tells us that unfortunately the police are often not ready to proceed with cases when suspects are due to return on bail.  Knowing this, Rob tried to find out whether there was to be a re-interview or charge when his client returned to the police station, or whether a new date was to be fixed, or whether bail was to be cancelled.

Rob’s first priority was to prevent his client having a wasted journey.  Secondly he would be able to keep him up to date as to the progress of the investigation.

The officer was spoken to in advance.  He confirmed that Rob’s client was not required to attend and would provide a new date in due course.  When the next date was approaching, the same question had to be asked again – did our client need to attend?

This process was repeated on several occasions before Rob was informed that his client was to be re-interviewed and would need to go to Skegness. Although many firms would choose to use an agent to provide representation for a case so far away, Rob travelled with his client to Skegness.  This gave the client the advantage of an adviser who knew the case from the beginning.

Five Minute Police Interview

The interview could have been dealt with by the police in a more convenient way.  In the event it lasted less that five minutes.  The Client, however, was very grateful that not only had Rob told him that he must attend, but also that a member of VHS Fletchers Solicitors had travelled so far to continue to help him.

Our continued interest in his case was highlighted further as the solicitor for the co-accused in the case didn’t attend and hadn’t made arrangements for his client’s representation.

Contact one of our Criminal Solicitors

criminal solicitors nottingham derby chesterfield newark mansfield ilkeston
Our Offices

We recognise that your case will be extremely important to you. That is why, as criminal solicitors, we aim to provide our clients with continuity of representation. even where that involves travel as in this case.  We will also take steps to minimise the inconvenience and anxiety cause by police investigations.

If you require the assistance of a firm of criminal solicitors who will go that extra mile (or in this case 160 miles) please contact your nearest office.

If it is Rob Lowe you are after then please telephone 01246 283000 or email him here.