Monkey Dust – The cannibal drug that makes you smell of vinegar and prawns
What are you talking about?
Monkey dust is a synthetic drug, a type of new psychoactive substance. It is similar to other cathinone drugs such as MDPV, methylone and magic crystals.
In the USA it is known as “Zombie Dust” or “Cannibal Dust” due to one of the reported effects of the drug being users trying to eat their own face.
I’ve never heard of it?
The drug has been around for a while and was formerly one of the drugs referred to as “legal highs”.
In recent months, it has started to become more prevalent in some areas of the country and, undoubtedly, the use of it will spread.
In the Midlands, there have been news reports of people climbing buildings and trees and running into traffic while under the influence and attacking people who approach them.
What does it look like?
The drug is a white powder.
What are the effects?
It is a psychoactive substance with effects similar to PCP such as high body temperature, paranoia, agitation and hallucination; it can also make users impervious to pain. Frequently users have no recollection of their behaviour while under the influence of the drug.
Heavy users have reported the appearance of lesions on the skin and a smell of prawns or vinegar from their sweat.
Lecturers from Staffordshire University, Sarah Page and Em Temple-Malt spoke with people in Stoke-on-Trent about the use of NPS. One user said that he had been arrested for a breach of the peace after “arguing with a garden gnome”.
Although amusing, it demonstrates the irrational behaviour that can take place while under the influence, the drug is said to be “worse than spice” and can cause extreme violent behaviour.
Is it illegal?
Monkey Dust is a Class B drug.
This means that it is illegal to possess and also to sell, give away or possess with intent to supply it. Possession can result in up to 5 years imprisonment while supply offences carry up to 14 years imprisonment.
You can read more about the law and penalties in relation to the supply of drugs here.
How can we help?
If you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about an offence of supplying drugs then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.
The advantages of such early advice legal advice can be found here.
If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case. Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.
We have offices across the East Midlands. You can find your most convenient office here. Alternatively you can contact us using the form below.