Tag Archives: fine

How to answer a request for driver information

request for driver informationIt may be an offence to fail to provide information as the identity of a driver when you receive a written request for driver information from (or on behalf of) the police. If you are convicted then you face a hefty fine as well as 6 penalty points.

How long do they have to make the request?

 Any request for driver information must normally be served within 14 days of the offence being committed. There is case law, for example,  where because of a  postal strike delivery of the request for driver information was delayed beyond the 14 days an offence had not been committed where there was a failure to respond.

request for driver informationIf you receive a request for driver information and have any doubt as to whether the notice was served within the requisite period then please contact us immediately for further advice.  For example, in some circumstances, a valid request can be made after the 14 day period.  Do not ignore a request simply because you believe it to be out of time – always seek urgent legal advice from one of our motoring solicitors before you make any decision.

How long do I have to reply?

 From the date the notice is served you have 28 days to reply, or “as soon as practicably after the end of that period”.

Is there a right against self-incrimination

 A number of case have dealt with this issue.  Simply put, it doesn’t matter.  The requirement to identify the driver does not affect your human rights. The court has said “those who choose to keep and drive a car can be taken to have accepted certain responsibilities.”

Those responsibilities include the obligation to provide information upon request as to the driver of the vehicle on any occasion.

What if I really don’t know who was driving?

If you genuinely do not know who was driving it may be that you have a defence to an allegation of failing to answer a request for driver information.

The defence is that you “could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained who the driver of the vehicle was”.  As a result, for this defence to succeed, you will have needed to make all reasonable enquiries to find out who the driver was.  You will also need to reply to the request, providing what assistance you can.

In such circumstances it is best to seek early legal advice.  A recent case involving the former politician Lord Howard, has opened up a number of interesting legal arguments.

I did not receive the request for driver information and now I have been summonsed. What do I do?

You may have a defence to the allegation. Please contact a motoring law solicitor at your nearest office for further advice.

What if I provide false information?

It can be tempting to name a spouse, or even someone abroad, in the hope of avoiding penalty points. To do so would amount to the offence of perverting the course of justice.  This will almost always result in an immediate prison sentence.

We have provided more information about this here.


 It will be a defence for a company to show that there was no record kept of the driver and that this failure to keep a record was reasonable. The notice can be served by sending it to a secretary or a clerk, at the registered or principal office.

request for driver informationAlthough It may seem obvious, a company cannot be given penalty points.  As a result, any penalty would be limited to a fine.

In certain circumstances proceedings can also be brought against company directors.  As a result a company cannot be used as a shield against prosecution for this offence. If your company operates a company car pool it would be wise to ensure that you have robust procedures in place in order to track vehicle usage or run the risk of a conviction for failure to answer a request for driver information.

Will I be entitled to Legal aid to defend this case?

Public funding may be available do defend any court proceedings, so if you have received a court date then please contact one of our expert road traffic lawyers for further information.

You can find out more information about legal aid here.

How our expert motoring law solicitors can assist

request for driver information
VHS Fletchers offices in the East Midlands

The law concerning a request for driver information can be complicated. This article is intended to give only a very brief overview of the issues involved.  As a result, if you have any concerns or simply to discuss any aspect of your case please contact your nearest offices.

Details can be found here.

Alternatively you can use the contact form below.


Animal cruelty offences – the proposed increase in sentences

Proposed increase in sentences available for animal cruelty offences

The government has recently announced that it is planning to introduce legislation which will increase the maximum custodial sentence for animal cruelty offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

The current limit is one of six months’ imprisonment.  The new proposals would raise this to five years. This would bring England and Wales into line with other countries’ policies on animal cruelty.  It would also correct an issue of proportionality in relation to penalties available for other offences.

Offences covered by the Act

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes all of the following a criminal offence:

  • causing animals unnecessary suffering (whether intentionally or not)
  • improperly docking dogs’ tails
  • causing unnecessary mutilation
  • administering unauthorised poisons or drugs
  • participating in the organisation or facilitation of animal fights
  • failing a duty of care to particular animals.

The Act adopts a wide definition of ‘animal’.  It includes any “vertebrate other than man.”

animal cruelty offences legal advice

Current sentencing policy

The Act allows for a range of penalties.  These range from absolute discharges to custodial sentences of up to six months in length. The statistics on sentences imposed upon people convicted of animal cruelty in 2015 are revealing. In that year, 933 people were convicted of offences under the Animal Welfare Act.

A breakdown of that total shows the following distribution of the penalties for animal cruelty offences:

Penalty                                                          Number of people

Immediate custodial sentence                     91
Suspended sentence                                          202
Community sentence                                        341
Fine                                                                              177
Conditional discharge                                       100
Absolute discharge                                              3
Other                                                                            20

The RSPCA has investigated the custodial element of that breakdown further. Only three people received the maximum sentence of six months’ imprisonment. Those who received four-month sentences included, it is argued, offenders who gained credit for a guilty plea having committed an offence that potentially warranted a six-month sentence.

Why some say that increase is necessary

The view of the Government and various animal rights organisations is that a disconnect exists between these punishments and the  animal cruelty offences themselves.  Recent cases which have prompted this change include a man who purchased a number of puppies for the sole purpose of killing them by beating, choking and stabbing. The current sentences available to the courts are unable to do justice to such instances of cruelty.

The reforms are also supported by the manifest disparity between penalties for animal cruelty offences in England and Wales and those in other jurisdictions.

For example, the maximum sentences for animal cruelty in Germany and Northern Ireland are three years and five years respectively.

animal cruelty offences defence solicitor

The argument is further strengthened by looking at the maximum sentences attached to other crimes. Fly tipping, for example, carries a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment. The same sentence is also the limit for abstracting electricity. Many would argue that the damage and requisite mind-set involved in animal cruelty offences should mean the maximum penalty should at least be to that of these other crimes.

The new guidelines and their context

The Government is planning to produce a draft of the new legislation towards the end of the year. The main provision will be the increase in the maximum sentence for animal cruelty from six months’ imprisonment to five years. People who commit the most serious crimes against animals, such as the example reported above, may then face a prison sentence which is measured in years.  It will be comparable to a conviction for an offence such as assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

This policy change follows a previous related announcement on the proposed use of CCTV cameras in slaughterhouses. The timing of both proposals represents an attempt to change the UK’s reputation for animal welfare as it leaves the European Union.

Contact one of our solicitors – we are here to help

animal cruelty offences interview under cautionAnimal welfare legislation is complex and can lead to a prison sentence.   It therefore makes sense to instruct an expert if you are under investigation or facing court proceedings.

We will be able to provide you with free and independent legal advice at any interview under caution.  If charged we will provide you with the expert advice and representation that you will need to ensure the best outcome for you at court.

You can find details of your nearest office here.  Alternatively you can use the contact form below.




Environment Agency Clamping Down on Criminal Activity

Environment Agency Clamping Down On Criminal Activity

People who illegally dump waste have cost land and property owners millions of pounds in the last year, according to the Environment Agency.

The financial impact, which relates to the cost of removing waste dumped in fields and empty commercial properties lawfully, could be even higher if land is contaminated or insurance premiums rise as a result. Dumped waste is also a major fire risk.

What is being done?

business defence solicitor nottingham environment agency prosecutions

In a bid to reverse this problem, the Environment Agency is reaching out to property and land owners, commercial property agents, trade associations and local authorities. Their aim is to warn of the dangers posed by waste criminals and advise them, their clients and their members how they can better protect themselves. It is likely that this increased level of activity will lead to more criminal investigations and prosecutions.

Jamie Fletcher, from the Environment Agency said:

“Waste criminals operate throughout the country, offering to remove waste cheaply and then dumping it in fields or empty warehouses. They tend to move to new areas as enforcement agencies become wise to their activities.

We know it’s only a matter of time before they target us again so we’re sending out a strong message: Waste criminals are not welcome here and we’re doing everything in our power to deter and catch them.
We can’t do it alone.

We work closely with partners to share intelligence on illegal waste activity. And we’re encouraging everyone to do their bit: for property and land owners to be vigilant and better protect themselves and for all businesses, organisations and individuals to manage their waste responsibly, preventing it from getting into criminal hands in the first place.”

Land and property owners are advised to:

  • Check any empty land and property regularly and make sure it is secure.
  • Carry out rigorous checks on prospective and new tenants. Land and property owners have a responsibility to ensure anyone leasing their land/property complies with regulations. They may be committing an offence by allowing waste to be stored on land or property without the relevant permissions and could leave them liable to prosecution.
  • Be vigilant and report any unusual behaviour.

Change on the roads

business defence environment agency prosecutionsIn a related development, the Environment Agency and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) have officially agreed to carry out joint operations across England to cut the transportation of illegal waste and to improve road safety.

The memorandum of understanding will see the Environment Agency and the DVSA using their combined enforcement powers to tackle the transportation of waste to illegal or poorly-performing permitted sites.

The agreement will involve:

  • DVSA staff located within Environment Agency teams to ensure a coordinated and effective approach
  • sharing of information to increase the effectiveness of roadside enforcement on waste industry vehicles up and down the country
  • providing enforcement teams with intelligence relating to waste industry operators
  • identifying high risk or illegal goods vehicle operators involved in waste transport
  • reducing the number of seriously and serially non-compliant waste industry vehicles on England’s roads.

Legal Advice for Business Defence

There are thousands of commercial properties across the Country thought to be empty, which are owned by businesses and organisations, including fund management companies and local authorities.

The Environment Agency is also advising businesses and organisations of their responsibility to ensure their waste is managed appropriately. Anyone who produces, stores and manages waste is obligated to ensure waste does not cause harm to human health or pollution to the environment under Duty of Care legislation.

Waste crime diverts as much as £1 billion per annum from legitimate business and the treasury. Since April 2011 the Environment Agency has invested £65.2 million nationally to address it. Its specialist crime unit uses intelligence to track and prosecute organised crime gangs involved in illegal waste activity and to ensure any necessary action is taken against them.

Action you need to take

Environmental crime and regulation is a specialist area of business defence law.  Whether you need advice about your legal obligations, or representation if facing an investigation or prosecution, our team of lawyers is here to provide it.

The penalties in relation to environmental offences can be very high, sometimes reaching the hundreds of thousands of pounds, and in some cases resulting in imprisonment. For example, United Utilities was fined £666,000, with costs of £32,000 after pleading guilty to pollution offences at Manchester Crown Court.

Contact a Business Defence Solicitor

Nottingham business defence solicitor Martin Hadley
Nottingham crime and regulatory solicitor Martin Hadley

With cases such as this being decided against companies, you cannot afford to leave your case to chance.  Please contact business defence solicitor Martin Hadley on 0115 9599550 or alternatively use the contact form below.


Criminal Finances Act 2017 – What You Need to Know

Change Ahead

The main provisions of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 came into force on 30th September 2017, and there are some important effects that any business ought to know.

New Provisions

criminal finances act 2017While tax evasion is already an offence, currently there is no obligation on a company to take steps to stop another person engaging in such illegal activity. With a few exceptions, if you do not personally participate, you can stand idly by while another person offends. These provisions bring this situation to an end so far as certain aspects of taxation are concerned.


criminal finances act 2017 legal advice

The Act will render any business (which includes partnerships) liable to prosecution if a ‘tax offence’ is committed by an employee or other person performing services for the company. This will include agents of the business.

To be guilty, the following must apply:

  • There has been a criminal evasion of tax (whether that resulted in prosecution or not).
  • An ‘Associated Person’ facilitated the commission of that offence (i.e. a person linked to your business).
  • A failure by the firm to prevent that facilitation taking place.
    The final requirement imposes a strict liability element. Those running the business need not know that anything unlawful was taking place.

The definition of ‘Associated Person’ is broad. It means: ‘…an employee, a person acting in the capacity of an agent, or any other person who performs services for or on behalf of your company who is acting in the capacity of a person performing such services’.

The provisions apply in relation to both UK and foreign offences.

Do you have a Defence?

The good news is ‘Yes’.

But only if you can prove:

(a) That you had in place such prevention procedures as it was reasonable in all the circumstances to expect you to have in place; or

(b) It was not reasonable in all the circumstances to expect you to have any prevention procedures in place.

Therefore, your business needs to have reasonable safeguards in place to be able to try and prevent tax evasion.

What is the Penalty?

Your company could face an unlimited fine.

At the moment, although there aren’t any sentencing guidelines, we can reasonably anticipate these to be very large. In some cases these will be measured in the tens of thousands of pounds and above.

Additionally, you would also need to try and measure the reputational and other damage (such as loss of future contracts) that might follow.

That Doesn’t Sound Good, What Can I Do To Protect My Company?

Your business will need to commit to policies and processes designed to prevent your employees and others committing tax facilitation offences. There is no ‘one size fits all’ policy toolkit that you can purchase off the shelf.

To devise such procedures, you will need to:

  • Carry out a risk assessment.
  • Decide on what is a proportionate response to that risk.
  • Ensure top-level commitment within the organisation to implementing any policy/procedure.
  • Maintain due diligence.
  • Communicate the policy/procedures and train all employees/agents who carry out work on your behalf.
  • Monitor and review the policies and procedures to ensure continued effectiveness.

We Will Certainly Put This On Our ‘To Do’ List

While HMRC doesn’t expect you to have everything in place on 30th September 2017, it does have some ‘day one’ requirements, with HMRC stating in its guidance that:

‘[We expect] there to be rapid implementation, focusing on the major risks and priorities, with a clear timeframe and implementation plan on entry into force.’

Need help?

Laws relating to business can be challenging at the best of times, but when they could also land your company before the courts and facing crippling fines, it is best to act in advance and do all you reasonably can to put protections in place.

The provisions of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 are only summarised above; it will hardly surprise you to know that they are in fact much more complex, so you should take care to understand in detail your actual obligations.

Read more about our business defence services here.

Contact us for advice

criminal finances act 2017
Nottingham solicitor Martin Hadley

Should you wish to discuss any aspects of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 or wish specific advice then please contact partner Martin Hadley at our Nottingham office on 0115 9599550 or email him here.

Risks of Newton Hearing avoided for client

newton hearing derby magistrates court
Derby crime solicitor Stacey Mighty

Nottingham crime solicitor Stacey Mighty recently avoided a Newton Hearing for her client before the Magistrates’ Court.  A Newton Hearing is a trial of the factual issues in a case.

This allows the court to decide how to sentence a person once they have entered a guilty plea.  They arise where there is a difference between the prosecution and defence version of events that would make a difference to sentence.

An unsuccessful Newton Hearing from a defendant’s point of view can have unfortunate consequences.  Not only will they be sentenced on facts that are more serious, the defendant will also lose credit for having argued an unsuccessful point.

Different accounts in assault allegation

Stacey’s client faced an allegation of assault.  While he accepted that he had committed an assault, he maintained that he had shoved the victim rather than punched them.

The victim of the assault was no longer cooperating with the prosecution, but there remained an independent witness who maintained that they had seen a punch rather than a push.  The prosecution argued that this difference in account would in turn make a difference to how our client was sentenced.

Newton hearing avoided

Stacey argued, however, that the version of events were not dissimilar and the issue of whether there was a punch or a push would make no real difference to sentence.  The Magistrates agreed and as a result Stacey’s client obtained the following benefits:

  • he was sentenced on the basis of a push rather than a punch, and
  • he kept all of the credit provided by his guilty plea

As a result, Stacey mitigated and persuaded the Magistrates’ that the case was not serious enough for a community penalty.  Instead her client was fined and ordered to pay compensation.

Contact Nottingham crime solicitor Stacey Mighty

newton hearing nottingham crime solicitorWhether you face a police investigation or court proceedings then you will want to instruct a solicitor with expertise in the criminal law such as Stacey.

Please call her on 0115 9599550 or use the enquiry form below.


New Guideline for Speeding Penalties in Force from 24 April 2017

road traffic law speeding disqualificationThe new sentencing guidelines as they apply to speeding offences have been receiving some publicity.  The reports have highlighted the increase in the level of fine that can be imposed for the most serious examples of speeding that appear before the Magistrates’ Court.

The penalties involve maximum fines of £1,000  or £2,500 if the offence is committed on the motorway.

Nottingham motoring law solicitor Graham Heathcote spoke to BBC Radio Nottingham on 24 April 2017.  You can listen to the interview here:

You can begin to work out the starting point for your particular case by looking at where you fall within the bands.

Band A

This covers low level speeding.  It will result in three points and a fine of up to 50% of your weekly income.  It applies if you are driving up to 30mph in a 20mph zone; up to 40mph in a 30mph zone; 55mph in a 40mph zone; 65 in a 50; 80 in a 60, and; up to 90mph in a 70mph zone.

Band B

This will attract a driving ban of 7 – 28 days will or four to six penalty points.  This punishment will be imposed with a fine of up to 100% of your weekly income.

It covers more serious speeding – 31mph to 40mph in a 20mph zone; 41mph to 50mph in a 30 zone; 56mph to 65mph in a 40; 66 to 75 in a 50; 81-90 in a 60, and; 91mph to 100mph in a 70mph.

Band C

This sentencing range is reserved for the most serious speeding offences. The court will consider a driving ban of between 7 and 56 days or impose six penalty points.  This could be coupled with a fine up to 150% of weekly income.

This covers speeds of over 41mph in a 20mph zone; 51mph in a 30mph zone; 66mph in a 40mph zone; 76mph in a 50mph; 91mph in a 60mph, and; 100mph in a 70mph zone.

speeding penalty points driving ban
Magistrates’ Court Sentencing Guidelines for Speeding

A change in emphasis for mid-range speeding offences?

The guideline for Band B offences appears to be a change of emphasis in relation to the starting point.  It is unlikely to be an error in drafting that suggests that the Magistrates’ should first consider a driving ban and then look at penalty points as an alternative.

We will have to wait and see whether the courts’ interpretation of the guidelines results in more motorists receiving short discretionary disqualifications.  We know that the effect of such a driving ban may well be disproportionate to the time that it is in force.

The net effect of these guidelines might effect many more motorists.  Those who break the limit by miscalculation rather than recklessness, now face a real risk of ending up off the road. The consequences can go beyond the simple ban, including a massive hike in future insurance premiums.

Aggravating Factors

The table above show the starting point for speeding offences before the court.  The fine and whether there is a disqualification or points will defend on the aggravating and mitigating factors in any case.

The guideline features a non-exhaustive list of factors that may increase serious and therefore the financial penalty as well as increase the chances of receiving a disqualification. These include:

  • Previous convictions
  • Offence committed whilst on bail
  • Offence committed on licence or post sentence supervision
  • Poor road or weather conditions
  • Driving LGV, HGV, PSV etc.
  • Towing caravan/trailer
  • Carrying passengers or heavy load
  • Driving for hire or reward
  • Evidence of unacceptable standard of driving over and above speed
  • Location e.g. near school
  • High level of traffic or pedestrians in the vicinity


Some aspects of the case might reduce seriousness and therefore the penalty imposed such as:

  • No previous convictions or no relevant/recent convictions
  • Good character and/or exemplary conduct
  • Genuine emergency established

Net effect, many more motorists, who break the limit by miscalculation rather than recklessness, now face a real risk of ending up off the road. The consequences can go beyond the simple ban, including a massive hike in future insurance premiums.

Ring now, 0115 9599550, and get us on your side.

Contract a Motoring Law Specialist

speeding road traffic law penalty points driving ban
Nottingham motoring law solicitor Graham Heathcote

We appreciate that your driving licence will be important to you.  You may receive a notification that the police are considering a prosecution. You might be told that you have a court date.

Here at VHS Fletchers we have an experienced team of motoring lawyers, with extensive experience in what can be a complex area of the law, providing technically sound, clear advice and with a proven track record of saving motorists’ driving licences.

Please contact Graham Heathcote on 0115 9599550 or contact him using the form below for advice and an estimate of our fees.


Pyrotechnic articles and qualifying music festivals – new legislation

If you are going to Glastonbury, Reading, Leeds or any other festival this summer, please take note!  Because of changes in the law you need to leave your pyrotechnic articles at home!

pyrotechnic articles music festivals qualifying events

Flares banned at festivals

Music festivals are following in the footsteps of football matches as a new law took effect from 3 April 2017.  This banned the use of pyrotechnics at music festivals.  Section 134 of the Policing and Crime Act 2017 states that anyone caught with a “pyrotechnic article” at a “qualifying musical event” in England or Wales could face up to three months in prison and/or a fine.

While many believe that pyrotechnics and flares contribute to the atmosphere of an event, it is difficult to argue with how dangerous they are, particularly in a crowd. The law follows considerable public demand in 2016 because of anecdotes of serious burns and panic attacks brought on by smoke.

The background can be found here.

The risk at festivals such as Glastonbury is obvious because of the amount of heat and smoke that it gave off. From a distance they may look spectacular but it could only be a matter of time before somebody is seriously injured. The law is moving to prevent that because of this.

Pyrotechnic Articles

This is defined as “an article that contains explosive substances, or an explosive mixture of substances, designed to produce heat, light, sound, gas or smoke, or a combination of such effects, through self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions.”  It does not includes matches.  It was, however, specifically designed to include flares, fireworks and smoke bombs.

 Qualifying Music Festival

This is a music festival licensed under the Licencing Act 2003 so if in doubt you can safely assume that all major festivals are included.

There are no sentencing guidelines yet published for this offence because it is new legislation.  It should be noted however that the maximum sentence is identical to that for entering a football ground with a firework unders.2A of The Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985. Offences under that legislation regularly attract custodial sentences and we should expect the courts to react in the same way for the new offence.

If you are not going to a festival or football match it is still legal to possess fireworks, as long as you are over 18.

Effective policing?

There is a difficulty in enforcing the law at a festival compared to a football ground. Police will struggle to enter a festival crowd, particularly near the front.  Also, the crowd isn’t monitored on CCTV as it is at football.  So most arrests for possessing pyrotechnic articles are likely to come at the festival gates, as with drugs.

Contact us for further advice

If you have any queries about the legislation or if you are accused of having pyrotechnic articles at a qualifying event please contact one of our expert criminal law solicitors at your nearest office.   Details can be found here.

Alternatively you can contact us using the form below.



Driving ban avoided at Chesterfield Magistrates’ Court

driving ban chesterfield criminal lawyer kevin tomlinson
Chesterfield Motoring Solicitor Kevin Tomlinson

Chesterfield Motoring Solicitor Kevin Tomlinson was recently instructed in a case where the Defendant was at real risk of a driving ban.

Kevin’s client was caught driving at 80 mph in an 50 mph speed limit. Kevin’s advocacy skills and ability to use modern technology, enabled the client to keep his driving licence, leaving court with a fine and penalty points.

This case, perhaps better than most, demonstrates the benefits of instructing a local motoring solicitor.  Kevin has worked as a criminal defence solicitor in Chesterfield for many years and knows the roads around Chesterfield, including into High Peak, very well.

Benefits of a local Chesterfield Motoring Lawyer

Kevin’s client told him that he had been caught speeding whilst driving on the Snake Pass between Chesterfield and Manchester.  Kevin was immediately able to recognise the seriousness of the situation.

Snake Pass winds its way through the High Peak with very limited opportunities to overtake other road users.  Drivers are regularly driving at less than the stated 50 mph.  The road is regularly used by farm vehicles and haulage companies. This leads to drivers becoming increasingly frustrated during their journeys.   There are often accidents which leads the police to monitor the road closely.


Kevin’s client was running late and took an opportunity to overtake another vehicle.  In doing so he accelerated to 80 mph and was caught by a Police mobile camera. The client did not dispute the reading and indicated to Kevin his desire to plead guilty at the very first opportunity in order to gain maximum credit and demonstrate his remorse.  In retrospect he appreciated the potential danger he created with this manouever.

Our client required his vehicle for work.  Kevin had to make his client aware that due to the level of speed the Court would consider imposing a driving ban of up to 56 days.

Use of Click Share Technology to Present Mitigation

driving ban avoided chesterfield motoring solicitor
Chesterfield Magistrates Court

As a Chesterfield motoring solicitor, Kevin knew that the local Magistrates would also know the road in question.  They would be concerned by the driving.  The road is extremely long, however, and where the offence took place was potentially important to the sentencing decision.

As a result Kevin located the area of the incident on his laptop.  He was show this to the sentencing Magistrates via the Click Share system.  He demonstrated that whilst the speed was excessive, it was along one of the straighter parts of the road rather than during the more twisty stretches of the road.

Penalty Points and no driving ban

As a result of his knowledge, Kevin was able to present his client’s case in an extremely effective way.  This, in combination with his expert presentation of personal mitigation, led to the Magistrates’ taking a lenient approach.  Kevin’s client received a fine and penalty points but no driving ban.  This meant that he was able to keep his employment and was understandably delighted with the outcome.

Contact a Chesterfield Motoring Solicitor

If you require the advice and representation of an expert motoring solicitor then please contact Kevin at our Chesterfield office on 01246 283000 or email him here.  Details of our Chesterfield Office can be found here.

Kevin can provide you with detailed and affordable advice as to whether you are able to challenge the prosecution evidence relating to your road traffic offence, or how you are likely to be sentenced following a guilty plea.