Tag Archives: legal advice

Criminal solicitors providing emergency legal advice over the festive period

As businesses prepare for Christmas, it is customary to inform clients of seasonal opening hours. For many, it will simply be a case of announcing the days on which the business will be closed, but for us, as criminal defence solicitors, the position is a little more complicated than that owing to the need for emergency legal advice.

We close our offices, but of course we don’t close down our emergency services.

Our offices across the East Midlands will be closed on the following dates:

24 December 2019

25 December 2019

26 December 2019

27 December 2018

31 December 2019

1 January 2020

Emergency legal advice

However, if you need emergency legal advice in relation to a criminal law related issued, at any time of the day or night, we have a team of people to assist.

You can contact us for emergency legal advice by calling any of our usual office numbers.

For example, the Nottingham number is 0115 9599550.  You will be able to speak to one of our on call solicitors.

emergency legal advice

The work of a criminal lawyer does not lend itself to regular working hours, nor is there any time, day or night when we are not available. We offer a level of accessibility that few other professionals can match, and we are immensely proud of that fact.

When arrested on Christmas Day, as some people inevitably will be, we will be there by their side to offer timely legal advice to protect their interests.

You can read more about the benefits of instructing us to give emergency legal advice in police interview here.

Even the criminal courts are open for business during at least part of the festive period, allowing for bail applications and other urgent court business.  Again we will provide representation at those hearings.

And of course, those in prison can experience particular difficulties as they are reminded of families far away, also impacted by the trauma of custody.

We take this opportunity to wish all of you a peaceful and restful holiday season, but if for any reason you need us, we will be there at the end of the phone and in person.

High price for having counterfeit currency?

counterfeit currencyIn difficult financial circumstances, it might be tempting to consider purchasing counterfeit currency. While the price of such ‘money’ fluctuates widely, it is often as low as 25% of the face value.  As a result this may make it a tempting proposition.

State currency producers spend millions each year on devising and improving security safeguards.  The fact that counterfeit currency can still be passed off for real money reveals something of this hidden world of criminality.

To produce high-quality counterfeit currency requires an investment in expensive print technology.  As a result the people responsible for such enterprises are sophisticated and organised criminal gangs.  They will use fake money sales to finance illegal drugs, weapons and trafficking activities.

In addition to the threat that counterfeit currency poses to the broader economy, it is this link to organised crime that requires courts to pass deterrent sentences on those caught with the money.

The potential consequences of passing counterfeit currency

Non-custodial sentences are almost unheard of, even for the use of a single note or coin.

In Corcoran [2013] where a single £50 note was passed, a sentence of six months imprisonment was approved by the Court of Appeal following a guilty plea.

The defendant in Miller [2010] originally received two years imprisonment, but this was reduced to a sentence of 15 months.  Miller passed three counterfeit £20 notes and three more were found in his possession.

The Court of Appeal has stated:

“We observe, as other constitutions of this court have done on previous occasions, that in view of the potential harm to the United Kingdom economy an immediate custodial sentence would almost invariably be required in cases such as this. However, its term will depend upon the factual circumstances of the instant case. One of the most important factors will be the number of counterfeit notes involved, which will give some indication as to the proximity of the offender to the source of the notes.”

The maximum sentence for tendering counterfeit currency is ten years imprisonment.

For those involved in the production of notes or coins, severe sentences typically follow, and a court may also consider making a preventative order such as in the case of Karra and Karra [2015].

In the case of Crick [1981] the court observed:

“Coining is a serious offence. It was rightly treated as such by the learned judge, who correctly took the view that it called for an immediate custodial sentence. It must, however, be recognised that not all such offences are of the same gravity.

At one extreme is the professional forger, with carefully prepared plates, and elaborate machinery, who manufactures large quantities of bank notes and puts them into circulation. A long sentence of imprisonment is appropriate in such a case.

Here the offence is at the other end of the scale. The tools used to make the blanks were primitive, and were not acquired specially for the purpose; the techniques used were amateurish, and there was little real attempt to make the blanks a facsimile of a 50 pence piece. The coins were not, and could not have been, put into general circulation.”

Contact a criminal law solicitor

If you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about any offending involving counterfeit currency then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.  As you can see, the courts will always take such offences seriously upon conviction.

The advantages of such early advice legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case.

Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

We have offices across the East Midlands and will happily travel across the country to provide representation for all football related offences.

counterfeit currency
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can contact us using the form below.



Information Commissioner Investigation into ‘fly tipping’

Nottingham crime and regulatory solicitor Martin Hadley represented a professional client,  a  pharmacist, who was being investigated by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Following investigation he was able to secured a positive outcome for this client.

Information Commissioner Received Complaint

The ICO had received a complaint that Martin’s client had been “flying tipping” waste in the locality of one of their pharmacy branches.

A member of the public discovered an abandoned suitcase in the street. Correspondence was found in the case and it was clear that the paperwork was attributable to the community pharmacy operated by Martin’s client. information commissioner investigationAlso found in the bag were documents with the pharmacy stamp upon them which identified the names and addresses of pharmacy patients. On the face of it this appeared to be  a clear breach of patient confidentiality.

The Information Commissioner was investigating a breach of the seventh principle of data protection, namely the requirement to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to avoid the unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data.

Clear and Robust System

Martin took the client’s full instructions upon the points this evidence supplied by the Information Commissioner. It was apparent that our client had clear and robust systems in place for the disposal of both confidential and non-confidential waste. These processes allowed them to quickly understand how the problem had arisen.

Individuals had been climbing over the wall of their premises and breaking into the waste bins. No doubt these people were hoping to find Controlled Drugs.

Sanctions Available to ICO

The Commission could have taken various steps including:

  • Providing advice to the clients.
  • Require the client to produce improvement plans.
  • Give undertakings to improve compliance.
  • Serve enforcement notices.
  • issue monetary penalties of up to £500,000.

Positive Client Outcome

The instructions given and our advice meant that we were able to reply to the ICO denying the breach and providing a bundle of documents to persuade the Information Commissioner that no action should be taken.

Our client’s full responses led to the ICO swiftly reaching the conclusion that no further action was necessary.

Contact regulatory solicitor Martin Hadley

information commisioner investigation
Nottingham crime and regulatory solicitor Martin Hadley

If you face investigation by the Information Commissioner’s office, local authority or similar then please contact Martin Hadley straight away on 0115 9599550 or use the form below.

You will no doubt benefit from his clear analysis of your problem, practical advice and robust approach to your problem.


Drink Driving – the reality

Many people have an image of a typical drink driver. Perhaps the image is of an overweight man, staggering from the pub after an all-day session and getting into his car. A few minutes later that car being pulled over by police officers due to erratic driving.

Although that is sometime the story behind a drink driving case. it is not the most common one that we see. It is more likely to be similar to Sue’s story.

drink driving

Sue leaves the party, sensibly gets into a taxi and later catches a few hours sleep before the next workday begins.

She feels a little tired but otherwise perfectly fine. Sue embarks on a leisurely drive along a familiar route until out of nowhere a car appears. Her journey is broken by the sound of scraping bumpers and an angry motorist demanding insurance details. A miserable start to her day!

On the plus side, nobody is hurt, it’s a simple insurance job.

That is until the traffic chaos catches the attention of a passing patrol car.

drink driving offences

Sue’s nightmare is about to begin

Ten minutes later Sue is in handcuffs on her way to a police station. Eight hours later she is charged with drink driving. Two days later she has been banned from driving for 18 months and shamed in the local paper.

A vast number of people find themselves before the court as a result of the ‘morning after’ effects of alcohol consumption. Whilst we can make assumptions about the average time it might take for alcohol to leave our system, these are rarely accurate in real life. The drink drive limit is quite low, so there is little margin for error. Even quite moderate alcohol consumption in the evening can leave you over the legal limit the morning after.

Otherwise sensible, law-abiding and hardworking people find themselves before a court facing not only a loss of licence but sometimes a loss of employment as well.

driving disqualification

How we can help

We would sooner not see you at all, but if you do face court proceedings, do not confront them alone. We all make mistakes.

Contact your nearest office here.

Alternatively you can use the contact form below.


Contempt of court – what is it and what is the likely sentence?

The case of Tommy Robinson, or to give him his real name, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has brought the issue of contempt of court into the public eye, but what is it all about?

What is contempt of court?

The interesting thing about contempt of court is the many ways in which it can be committed. It can be civil or criminal in nature. This means that conduct that is not itself a criminal offence can still be punishable by the court. Criminal contempt goes beyond simple non-compliance with a court order.

contempt of court

So, give me some examples?

In Yaxley-Lennon’s case, it was his reporting and commenting on a trial which was in progress with the potential to prejudice those proceedings. He had previously committed the same contempt by attempting to film defendants within the precincts of a court last year.

In a case in Sheffield, contempt of court was committed by protesters who had given an undertaking not to go within a safety zone erected around trees that were to be felled despite controversy.

In the civil court a freezing order was made against Andrew Camilleri.  He breached that order on a number of occasions.  This led the claimant to make an application to the court for committal to prison for contempt of court.

A further case involving breaches of freezing orders made in the civil court was that of Davies.  This case involved persistent and deliberate breaches.

A witness who refused to give evidence after ignoring a witness summons and being brought to court found himself on the wrong side of contempt of court proceedings.

A defendant who had an outburst in court during his sentence hearing, then refused to apologise, followed by another outburst, was dealt with for two contempt of court offences.  He received a sentence for this in addition to the offence for which he was already being sentenced.

A lady took photographs inside a court building of a defendant and their friends making ‘gestures of defiance and contempt’ inside the court precincts with the court notice board behind them. The defendant was also found to be in contempt for inciting the taking of the photograph.

So, tread carefully, it is easy to find yourself in the dock.

contempt of court

What can I get?

Up to two years imprisonment at the Crown Court or one month at the magistrates’ court (although it can be up to 2 months in relation to some civil orders).

Yaxley-Lennon received ten months imprisonment for his latest offence to be served consecutively to three months imprisonment for the offence last year, as he had been on a suspended sentence for that.  Both conviction and sentence are currently subject to appeal.

Two of the tree protesters received suspended prison sentences of two months.

Camilleri was fined £100,000 whilst Davies was given a sentence of 12 months immediate imprisonment.

The witness who refused to give evidence was given 12 months imprisonment, reduced to three months on appeal.

The defendant with his repeated outburst was given three- and six-months imprisonment consecutive to each other, and also to the 20 months for the original offences.

The photograph taking offender was given 21 days imprisonment with the defendant who incited the taking of it was given 28 days in prison.

contempt of court

How can we help?

It can be seen that there are some ways to commit contempt of court that the general public may not even realise could land them in trouble with the courts.

We are experts in this area and can advise and represent you.

On some occasions you will be interviewed by the police in relation to an alleged contempt.  If you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about an allegation of contempt of court then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.

The advantages of such early legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case.  Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

 You can find your nearest office here.

contempt of court
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:



What are the police powers to stop and search you?

The power of the police to stop and search is currently in the media due to the rise in murders and serious crimes of violence involving the use of knives, particularly in London. A particular area of concern is the disproportionate use of search powers in relation to some minority groups.

So, what are the relevant powers?

stop and search

Section 1 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

The most commonly used power to search people is under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. This section allows searches if an officer has reasonable grounds to suspect a person of carrying drugs, weapons, stolen property or an item that can be used to commit crime.

What must the officer do under Section 1?

In order for a search to be lawful, the officer needs to inform you of his name and police station, and he can use reasonable force to carry out the search. You may be detained for the search, near to where you were stopped and only for a short time. You must be told why you are being searched and under what power and a record of the search should be made.

Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

This power has been used recently by London councils in response to the murders taking place. Section 60 allows the police to search anyone in a specified area without the need for the “reasonable grounds” that are required for a search under Section 1 above. The vast majority of searches under this power are carried out by the Metropolitan police.

How are section 60 searches authorised?

An officer of inspector rank or above can authorise searches within an area for up to 24 hours. He can only do so if he reasonably believes that:

  • incidents of serious violence may take place and an authorisation is required to prevent their occurrence; or
  • an incident of serious violence has taken place, a dangerous instrument or offensive weapon is being carried, and authorisation is required to find it; or
  • persons are carrying dangerous weapons or offensive weapons without good reason.

stop and search

Sections 47A Terrorism Act 2000

This section allows the police to conduct searches where there is a reasonable suspicion that an act of terrorism will occur. The power had not been used extensively until the terrorist attacks that started to take place in 2017.

How are section 47A searches authorised?

A senior police officer can give an authorisation for searches in a specified area if he reasonably suspects that an act of terrorism will take place and reasonably considers that the authorisation is necessary to prevent such an act. Also, the specified area has to be no greater than necessary and the duration no longer than necessary to prevent such an act.

Under this authorisation an officer may stop and search a vehicle, driver, passenger, pedestrians (including anything carried by them) but only for the purpose of discovering whether there is anything which may constitute evidence of use for terrorism or that the person is a terrorist.

Stop and search – how can we help?

The above information represents only a basic and brief outline of the relevant law about stop and search. We can advise you on the legality of any search and/or the admissibility of any evidence found during the search.

stop and search

As a result, if you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about an offence then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.

The advantages of such early legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case.  Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

 You can find your nearest office here.

grievous bodily harm
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:



Can sexism or misogyny be a hate crime?

Two years ago, Nottinghamshire Police decided to label misogyny and offences targeting women as hate crime or hate incidents.

Two local universities recently undertook a report entitled “The Misogyny Hate Crime Evaluation”.  This report recommends rolling out the policy nationally.

The full report can be found here.

Misogyny hate crime is defined as “incidents against women that are motivated by the attitude of men towards women and includes behaviour targeted at women by men simply because they are women.”

hate crime

This definition can include behaviour that is not criminal.  These are recorded as hate incidents rather than hate crime, so something such as wolf-whistling may be recorded as a hate incident.

The policy does not criminalise that behaviour.  It may, however, result in a discussion, for example, with building site managers if their workers are behaving that way.

Misogyny hate crime on the continent

In Belgium, however, such behaviour can be criminal.  A man has been convicted under a new law which does criminalise sexism. He was stopped driving a car for breaking the highway code and told the female police officer to do a job “adapted to women”. He was fined €3,000 for insulting the officer because of her gender.

The offence in Belgium is expressing contempt toward a person because of their sexuality or treating them as inferior due to their sexuality.   If the behaviour complained of entails a serious attack on their dignity, it is punishable by up to 12 months in prison.

In France, they are preparing to create an offence of street harassment that is “sexist and sexual outrage”.  Meanwhile, in Stockholm, sexist advertising has been banned.  Our London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has attempted to ban body shaming adverts.

What will happen in the UK?

Chief constables from the United Kingdom met in July 2018 to discuss the issue and whether the policy in Nottinghamshire would be rolled out nationwide.

The issue has also prompted discussion in Parliament over the autumn.

These developments in the UK and other countries demonstrates how the law is continually evolving. It may be that such behaviour will be a statutory aggravating feature of an offence when sentencing or disposal is dealt with, or it may become an offence on its own.

How can we help?

 Allegations that involve elements of sexism or misogyny are always likely to be treated more seriously than cases where it is not a feature.

As a result, if you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about any offence then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.

The advantages of such early legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case.  Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

 You can find your nearest office here.

hate crime
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:


How does a court decide on the admissibility of confessions?

The 2015 documentary series Making a Murderer follows the story of two men from Wisconsin who were convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering a woman.

admissibility of confessionsOne of the convicted was an impressionable teenager called Brendan Dassey.  Dassey’s conviction was overturned in 2016 (and confirmed on appeal in 2017) on the basis that his ‘confession’ to the murder was coerced by police officers who exploited his vulnerable character.

What is the law in the England and Wales?

Provisions in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 allow courts to reject confessions of this kind on the basis that they were obtained ‘oppressively’ or are unreliable.

The relevant statutory provisions relating to the admissibility of confessions are ss. 76(2)(a) and (b) and 77 of the Act.

What does “oppressive” mean?

admissibility of confessionsThe term ‘oppressive’ has caused problems for the courts. It seems to be agreed that oppression implies some “impropriety” which compromises the confession’s veracity (Fulling [1987] QB 426).

Uncertainty exists, however, as the same sort of behaviour in different cases has led to the confession being excluded in one but not the other (see Paris (1993) 97 Cr App R 99; L [1994] Crim LR 839).

What about unreliability?

Aside from oppression, confessions may be excluded on the basis of unreliability. This unreliability may come about via “anything said or done” or something problematic concerning the circumstances in which the ‘confession’ was made.

An important point to note is that the suspect’s own conduct cannot undermine a confession (Goldenberg (1988) 88 Cr App R 285).

Another important reason to exclude a confession on the basis of unreliability is where the suspect is mentally unfit. A separate section of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, section 77,  deals with this.  In particular, the act seeks to protect suspects who may be suggestible and may simply go along with police officers’ leading questions about an alleged offence.

Deciding on the admissibility of confessions

admissibility of confessionsThe actual process for deciding whether a confession can be admitted is a ‘voir dire’. That is essentially a mini-trial within or alongside the main trial. Section 76(2) of PACE gives guidance on this point.

The prosecution must prove to the criminal law standard that the confession was not obtained in the way alleged by the defence, otherwise it will be excluded. And, although there is some disagreement, the standard position appears to be that the defendant’s evidence at the voir dire cannot be admitted during any trial for the substantive offence (Wong Kam-ming [1980] AC 247).

How we can help advise on admissibility of confessions.

Many of the problems that can arise with confessions will be removed if you have a solicitor with you to provide advice when you are interviewed.

As a result, if you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about any offence  then make sure you insist on your right to free and independent legal advice.

The advantages of such early legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we will be able to advise you about the admissibility of any confession you are said to have made at any stage where you dispute the accuracy or reliability of it.  Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

 You can find your nearest office here.

admissibility of confessions
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:


Harassment – the law, defences and sentencing

harassmentThere are two distinct criminal offences of harassment.  One is of harassment putting people in fear of violence and one without.

Stalking is a similar but separate offence and is not covered in this article.

You can, however, read more about the offence of stalking here.

What does an allegation of harassment involve?

There has to be a course of conduct.  This can, however, involving as few as two incidents directed towards another person or persons.

The dictionary definition of harassment is to “torment by subjecting to constant interference or intimidation”.

The law, though, does not provide a comprehensive definition.  As a result there are many actions that could be foreseen to alarm or cause a person distress that would not constitute harassment.

Alternatively, the cumulative effect of a number if incidents that on their own might not be unlawful could con

The offence is aimed at conduct that alarms or causes a person distress and which is oppressive and unreasonable.

What do the prosecution have to prove for harassment?

  • That there is a course of conduct
  • which amounts to harassment of another, and
  • which the defendant knows, or ought to know amounts to harassment of another.

Additionally, for the more serious offence the prosecution has to prove:

  • that the course of conduct causes another to fear that violence will be used against him; and
  • that the defendant knows or ought to know that his course of conduct will cause another to fear that violence would be used against him

How would I know it is harassment?

 harassmentThe test of whether you ought to know that the course of conduct amounts to harassment is whether a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would think the conduct amounted to harassment.

The same test applies in respect of fear of violence.

Are there any time limits for bringing a prosecution?

 At least one of the incidents has to have occurred within six months of the charge for the basic offence without violence.  There is no such time limit for the aggravated offence.

What about defences?

 There are three available defences for the basic offence:

  • that the course of conduct was for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime
  • that it was conducted under a rule of law
  • that it was reasonable in the circumstances.

Additionally, it is a defence for the more serious offence if the course of conduct was reasonable for the protection of the defendant or another, or for the protection of their or another’s property.

What sentence could I get for harassment?

For the offence without violence, the basic offence of harassment, up to six months imprisonment can be imposed.  This increased to 2 years if the offence is racially aggravated.

For the more serious offence involving fear of violence the maximum sentence was 5 years and is 10 years for offences committed on or after 3rd April 2017.  Again, this is increased where the offence is racially aggravated to 7 or 14 years, again dependent on the date of the offence.

Restraining Orders

harassmentA restraining order can also be imposed.  The aim of such an order is to protect the victim of the offence from further incidents, contact or risk of violence.

Such an order can prevent contact with the victim and provide for an exclusion zone around their address. A restraining order can be imposed even if you are acquitted of the offence.

How we can assist

The law in respect of harassment and the potential defences is complicated, and there are other specific offences of harassment (for example of debtors) that are not covered in this article.

As a result, if you are arrested or know that the police wish to speak to you about an offence then make sure you insist on your right to our free and independent legal advice.

The advantages of such early legal advice can be found here.

If you have already been interviewed or face court proceedings we can still make a real difference to the outcome of your case.  Legal aid may well be available to fund your defence at court.

 You can find your nearest office here.

grievous bodily harm
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:


Benefit fraud – what do the prosecution have to show?

There are two main offences that are prosecuted in relation to benefit fraud.  One involves dishonesty on behalf of the benefit claimant while the other does not.

benefit fraud

Benefit fraud – the dishonesty offence

It is an offence to dishonestly make a representation in order to obtain benefit.  This offence includes circumstances where there has been a dishonest failure to promptly notify a change in circumstances, as well as making a claim that is dishonest from the outset.

Benefit fraud where a claimant is not dishonest

It is an offence to knowingly make a false statement to obtain benefit.  Again this can be in an initial claim for benefits or failing to give prompt notification of a change in circumstances.

What does this all actually mean?

The following definitions are given:


This has the normal meaning that is used in criminal offences.

The lesser offence, of course, does not require dishonesty but does require proof of knowingly failing to notify.

The test for dishonesty was recently revisited by the Supreme Court and the result may well be that it is now easier to prosecute for dishonesty based benefit fraud.

Change in circumstances

There must be proof that the offender knew there was a change of circumstances and that the change would have effected a change in benefit.

Such changes in circumstance might include starting to live with a partner or gaining employment, or an inheritance leading to a change in finances for the better.

“Promptly notify”

Prompt is to be given its natural meaning and is a matter of fact. It is for the prosecution to prove that it was not prompt. It is therefore essential to explore all of the surrounding circumstances as this may provide a defence, not only mitigation.

Are there other offences?

There are other offences of fraud and false accounting related to benefits that are not covered in this article.

benefit fraud

What is the likely sentence for benefit fraud?

The non-dishonesty benefit fraud offence an only be dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court and carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 3 months.

The offence involving dishonesty can be dealt with at the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court.  At the Crown Court it carries a maximum of seven years imprisonment.

The main factors for consideration in sentencing will be:

  • the length of time of the over payment
  • the total value of benefits overpaid
  • whether or not the claim was dishonest from the outset.

A claim that is of high value, over a sustained period and which was dishonest from the beginning is more likely to attract a term of imprisonment.

The full sentencing guideline can be found here.

How can we help you defend a benefit fraud allegation?

Our advice, as always, is to seek legal advice as soon as you know that you are being investigated for an offence.

Early legal advice from an expert criminal solicitor may help you set out any defence that you might have in interview, or provide mitigation that might help you avoid a prosecution through the courts.

If a case gets to court then benefit fraud offences frequently generate vast quantities of paperwork.  Our solicitors, litigators and advocates have a great deal of experience in considering such evidence.  We will help you prepare your defence or mitigation upon a guilty plea.

Our involvement may mean a lesser value is given to any over payment.  This can have a direct impact on the potential sentence.

If you are in receipt of benefit then you are likely to receive free legal help under the legal aid scheme at the interview stage.

You can read more about the availability of criminal legal aid here.

You can find your nearest office here.

benefit fraud
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

Alternatively you can use the contact form below:
