Tag Archives: police station advice

It’s never too late for free police station advice

restorative justice
Accredited police station representative Rob Lowe

Despite very late contact with his client, accredited police station representative Rob Lowe was still able to provide free police station advice to secure a restorative justice outcome rather than a police caution.

Negotiation with police under legal aid scheme

Rob was called by a client who had already been interview in relation to allegations of affray and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.  Unfortunately, he had chosen not to seek our free and independent legal advice at that stage.

It appeared that he had made admissions to the assault in this police interview. He had been released under investigation but the police had contacted him some time later as they intended to give him an official police caution to end the matter.

Unfortunately, our client’s work involved him being a frequent visitor to the United States of America.  Understandably he had concerns that a caution might prevent him form getting into the States in the future.  As a result, he was reluctant to accept the caution.  He also raised an issue that he perhaps had not made admissions and had told the police that the complainant was the aggressor.

restorative justiceRob travelled to Sheffield from our Chesterfield office to go to the police station with his client.  This allowed him to speak to the police officer dealing with the case to determine whether a police caution was an appropriate way to deal with the case.  Was the evidence there to support the offence?  Had his client actually admitted the offence?  If there was an admission was a restorative justice option available instead of a police caution?

Having spoken to the officer, Rob concluded that the police officer was acting appropriately by offering a caution.  There was evidence from the complainant and photographs of injuries.  His client had made an admission to an assault, albeit on a limited basis.

Restorative justice outcome negotiated

Instead of simply accepting the caution, Rob was then able to make successful representations that he case be dealt with by way of a restorative justice disposal.  This was agreed by both the client and the complainant in the case.  The outcome simply involved our client keeping away from the complainant.

This outcome meant that our client did not receive a criminal record and does not need to worry about future business trips to America.

Speak to a specialist police station adviser for free

As we have a contract with the government to permit us to provide expert legal advice and representation under the legal aid scheme.  This means that our advice in the police station will always be free of charge to you in the police station.

There are many advantages to seeking advice in the police station and you can read about those here.

Read more about the benefits of instructing our solicitors and litigators here.

You can find your nearest office here.  All of our phone numbers are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to allow you to seek our expert advice when you most need it.

restorative justice
VHS Fletchers offices across the East Midlands

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Free police station advice from accredited representative

In readiness for the opening of the new Chesterfield office we have been putting together new website profiles for the lawyers based there.

Accredited police station representative Rob Lowe has provided the detail of several examples of recent free police station advice that he has given.  Each illustrate the advantages of seeking his free and independent legal advice before speaking to the police in an interview under caution.

Mansfield police station – domestic assault allegation

Rob attended Mansfield police station to represent a suspect who had been arrested for an allegation of an assault in a domestic setting.  The officer in the case provided Rob with disclosure of the evidence in the case permitting him to take instructions from his client before interview.

The evidence provided failed to implicate Rob’s client in an offence.  As a result, Rob formed the view that there was not a case for him to answer.  He made immediate representations to the custody sergeant that his client should be released immediately without interview.

The sergeant agreed, and Rob’s client was released without charge, without the need for an interview.

It is perhaps hard to imagine that this outcome would have been secured without the benefit of Rob’s free police station advice and representation.

Liverpool police station – assault allegation

free legal advice and representation liverpoolRob travelled to represent his client at Liverpool police station.  he had been arrested on suspicion of assault.  He advised his client to answer questions and make a counter complaint.

This advice led to our client being released without charge.  Instead, the initial complainant ended up being interviewed under caution by the police himself.  This was as a result of the advice given and the representations that Rob made to the investigating officers.

Chesterfield police station – shop theft

free police station advice
Chesterfield police station

Part of Rob’s role in when representing a client at the police station is to negotiate with the police.  In this case, his client was accepting guilt in relation to allegations of shop lifting.

The custody sergeant was concerned about a risk of re-offending and intended to keep our client in custody overnight to be placed before the Magistrates’ Court for a remand into custody the next day.  After taking into account the representations that Rob made about bail, the custody sergeant reconsidered his initial view and agreed to grant bail.

Again, without representation, it would appear unlikely that this suspect would have been released, with nobody to negotiate on their behalf.

Chesterfield police station – drug investigation

Here, Rob was instructed by a client who had been arrested on suspicion of drugs offences.  Rob considered it appropriate for his client to deny the offences for which he had been arrested.  His client was, however, reluctant to submit to extensive questioning by the police.

As a result, Rob advised that an alternative to answering questions would be to submit a prepared statement in interview setting out his defence.  He would then be able to make ‘no comment’ replies to any other questions put. This would be sufficient to remove the risk of an inference being drawn at any future trial.

Rob’s client was released to allow the police further time to investigate the offence and his defence.

Contact us for free police station advice

If you are unlucky enough to be interviewed by the police, whether while under arrest or as a volunteer, or in the police station or elsewhere, you are entitled to legal representation.  As we have a legal aid contract then we can provide you with free police station advice.

free police station advice
Chesterfield accredited police station representative Rob Lowe

If you are arrested then make sure the police ask for VHS Fletchers to represent you.  If you know that the police want to speak to you as a volunteer then contact us with the date and time and we will make sure that we are there on time to remove any delay.

Rob Lowe can be contacted at our new Chesterfield office at 5 Beetwell Street, 100 metres away from Chesterfield police station.  Our new phone number is 01246 387999.

Your nearest office can be found here. and all of the numbers are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Alternatively use  the form below.
