Tag Archives: solicitor

£700K reduction in the benefit figure for confiscation client

Confiscation law specialist Julia Haywood recently took over a client’s case post conviction.  Our client was involved in confiscation proceedings involving a benefit figure of over a million pounds.  He was not happy with the advice and representation he was receiving once the main part of the case was over.

POCA benefit figure confiscation proceedingsIt is often our experience that client’s may feel that their interests are not being properly protected after sentence, despite the fact that it may be that the outcome of any confiscation proceedings could be a more substantial punishment than the sentence for the offence.

In this case, our client had been referred on to this firm on recommendation from an existing client, the client citing out ‘Good reputation on Class A cases’ as one of the reasons why he wished to transfer to this firm.

The preparation of such cases are often complicated where our client is serving a sentence of imprisonment.  For example, here. he was initially at HMP Wandsworth but later transferred to HMP Highpoint North.

The application to transfer legal aid to us was not resisted, and the first task Julia undertook was to seek to amend the timetable to permit proper preparation of our client’s case.

Background to the confiscation proceedings

The background to the case was a conviction for conspiracy to supply drugs of both Class A and Class B.   There had been covert surveillance at agricultural premises, and following a raid cocaine was found that was initially valued at £1.5 million.  The cocaine had a total weight of 22 kg, packaged in individual blocks.  Our client was one of four co-accused.  At the point that we took over conduct of the case, one of the co-accused had been subject to a confiscation order with a benefit figure specified of £1 060 280.

POCA confiscation proceedings benefit figureUnfortunately, our client was very unclear as to what he had pleaded guilty to and on what basis.  It appears that he had followed advice that inevitably resulted in a significant loss of credit for his plea.  He received advice in writing that he had pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a smaller amount of Class A drug when he had in fact pleaded to the conspiracy on a full facts basis.  His case had been listed for a Newton Hearing, although this was later abandoned for reasons that were not immediately apparent.  Our client was serving a sentence of 11 years.

In order to ensure that the case was fully  prepared Julia visited her client six times prior to the final confiscation hearing.  Although some work had been undertaken on his behalf, in effect she had to start the preparation of his case from the very beginning.  Assertions had been made in documents submitted on our client’s behalf that had no legal basis.

Significant reduction of the benefit figure

The prosecution were claiming that our client’s benefit from his offending was £1.1m.   Once Julia had taken the opportunity to review all of the evidence in the case she was able to engage in negotiation.  Agreement was reached over a much reduced figure of £396K.

This reduction of £700K was likely to be extremely significant for our client over the longer term.  He did not have assets sufficient to pay the benefit figure in full.  As a result it would be open to the prosecution to bring the matter back to court each time it was discovered he had assets to direct that more money be directed to paying off the benefit figure.  As a result it was in his interests for the benefit figure to be as small as possible.

Extensive realisable assets

The position in relation to our clients realisable assets was also complex.  He had been self-employed.  Preparation of such a case where a person is in prison is always difficult.  This was particularly true as our client had been remanded from the time of charge.

benefit figure realisable assets POCAHe had significant assets that would be counted in the calculation of the ‘available amount’.  He owned his own home and three vehicles as well as a large amount of specialist camera equipment.  His partner, however, had left him following his arrest and taken all of his assets not seized by the police.

The prosecution was contending that these were tainted gifts  although our client would argue otherwise.  Julia was able to locate the ex-partner who attended court at the final hearing to confess what she had done!

There were further complicating issues involving substantial loans of many thousands of pounds to our client by his father.  Julia was able to put together a comprehensive history of where her client’s  money had come from.  Understandably this was not an easy task.

The value of the Realisable assets as an ‘available amount’ was finally agreed at £136K.  Julia identified a large sum of cash that had been seized by the police.  This had not been counted in the initial prosecution calculation.

Although in this case, our client lost what he had, there was a reasonable opportunity to rebuild his fortunes upon his release from prison.

Instruct an expert on confiscation proceedings

The outcome of any case is important.  In cases involving confiscation proceedings there will not only be a sentence to serve, but the potential for the additional punishment of loss of assets.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of your case then please contact Nottingham confiscation solicitor Julia Haywood on 0115 9599550.  Alternatively, use the contact form below.


A busy week at Chesterfield for Police Station Advice

This week from January 2018 provides a perfect illustration of the work undertaken by accredited police station representative Rob Lowe out of our busy Chesterfield office as he travels to provide expert police station advice.


The week started with a visit to Chesterfield Police Station just after chesterfield police station advicemidnight on Sunday.  The the police decided this would be the ideal time to interview to a client who had asked for the duty solicitor.

Luckily, Rob was offered plenty of strong coffee which was very welcome, because he was there until after two in the morning.  He managed to get a few hours sleep before I was required back for 10 a.m. on the Sunday morning to provide a further three clients with police station advice in Chesterfield.  Again, these had asked for the duty solicitor.

Unfortunately, he was back home in time to see Arsenal lose!


Monday started with a further visit to Chesterfield police station to represent a client who was answering  police bail.   Although this was a second visit to provide free legal advice and representation to our client, there is no additional fee payable to us under the legal aid scheme.

Immediately after this, Rob represented a client who had been asked to attend the police station for a voluntary interview.  He had the good sense to have notified us the previous week that he would be liverpool police station adviceattending the police station and would wish free representation under the legal aid scheme.

After dealing with that case, Rob got into his car and drove all the way up to Liverpool.  He met his client at the city centre police station at 6pm.  Again, he was attending voluntarily and had earlier informed Rob that the police wanted to interview him.

After that interview was completed, and the client had gone home, Rob wandered into the city centre for a bite to eat before travelling home through weather that was variously rain hail and then snow.  He managed to be tucked up in bed by 11 p.m.


Tuesday began with a trip to Mexborough police station.   This was to provide free and independent legal advice to a client who had mexborough police station adviceattended for a voluntary interview.  Rob attended by prior arrangement, the client having contacted us in advance.

Rob was back in Chesterfield by lunchtime to represent another client at the Chesterfield police station.   Again, this client had attended for a voluntary interview.

After concluding advice in that case , Rob went down into the custody suite  to look after a client who had been to Court in the morning and had been represented by a colleague.  He was unfortunately arrested for further offences when he left Court, and he asked for VHS Fletchers at the police station to provide advice and representation.


It was the firms turn to be duty solicitor again on Wednesday.  Rob started the day by representing a client who had asked for the duty solicitor at Chesterfield Police Station.

A colleague then told Rob that a further client, who had been referred to us by a friend of his, was coming to the police station at 12 noon for a voluntary interview.  He was met by Rob at that time and advice was provided accordingly.

Ilkeston police station adviceAnother case was in the cells also ready for interview at 12 noon, so a colleague was drafted in to provide advice in that case so that there was no delay to the interview for that client.

Once the voluntary interview was finished, Rob made his way over to Ilkeston police station to act as an agent for a firm of solicitors in London.  They had a client who was attending for a voluntary interview but were unable to make the journey up to Derbyshire.  Rob was was back home for 7:30p.m. for another late tea.


Thursday started early due to the need to provide advice at Sheffield City Council offices.  Rob represented a client who was being interviewed under caution for an allegation relating to improper use of a blue badge.

Rob then made his way back to Chesterfield Police Station to look after a client in custody who had been arrested and asked for representation from VHS Fletchers.

Rob made it home on time for a change, although this period of calm did not last long.  He chose to assist a colleague who was on call by providing advice and assistance to a client who was being interviewed at Chesterfield police station.


Rob was not required at the police station on Friday.  This provided a welcome opportunity to ensure that all of his paperwork was up to date from the week’s police station attendances.


On the Saturday, Rob rested.  Within the last seven days, Rob had provided free and independent legal advice to sixteen different clients.

In January alone Rob has attended ten different police stations in January –  as well as Chesterfield, Rob has visited

  • Grantham
  • Clay Cross
  • Ripley
  • Hucknall
  • Mansfield
  • Eastwood
  • Liverpool
  • Mexborough
  • Ilkeston

and one council office.  The list will no doubt be even longer by the end of the month.

Contact us for free and independent police station advice

As we hold a legal aid contract we are able to provide our clients with free and independent legal advice when they are interviewed free and independent police station adviceby the police.  This remains the case whether a suspect is a volunteer or under arrest, whether the interview is in a police station or at another place such as their home.

Police interviews are important.  What a suspect says or doesn’t say can help in the decision as to whether court proceedings should follow an interview.  As a result it is important that a suspect seek police station advice before answering questions.  Other reasons to seek legal advice can be found here.  We can help you decide if, and how, you should answer police questions.

Rob can be contacted at our Chesterfield office.  Details of all of our offices can be found here.  All of our telephone numbers are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that you receive our expert police station advice when you require it.

Alternatively you can use the contact form below.


Taking points for someone else and perverting the course of justice

One of the most serious offences that can come before a court is ‘perverting the course of justice’, this is because it strikes at the very heart of the justice system.  Such offending includes taking points for someone else.

taking points for somebody elseDue to its seriousness, immediate custody almost always follows, yet there are a surprising number of people who commit this offence, thinking that they will easily get away with it.

“Offences of perverting the course of justice are intrinsically so serious that they will almost always attract an immediate custodial sentence unless there are exceptional circumstances justifying a different course” (R v Cronin (2017)).

Know a family member sitting on nine penalty points?

The scenario is a common one.  One person in the family already has 9 points on their driving licence.  A Notice of Intended Prosecution drops through the door in relation to a further road traffic offence.

taking points for someone elseThe new road traffic offence on its own is likely to be relatively minor.  It will only result in 3 penalty points and a modest fine. But, in this instance, due to the previous points on the licence, it may well result in a driving disqualification.

It may be that another family member with a clean licence thinks about taking points for someone else.  The thought process might go – how easy would it be for another person to take the blame?  Abe made to name a relative abroad.   Who would possibly find out?

Of course, the first mistake here is the belief that you will not be caught taking points for someone else.

In reality, however, the police take a keen interest in these cases, and often it requires only a modicum of detective work to reveal the true offender.

The consequences of the offending

taking points for somebody elseThe consequences of taking points for someone else can be horrendous.  The points follow, as does the disqualification which now becomes a reality with no realistic prospect of arguing exceptional hardship.  Worst of all, two people are arrested, possibly in the early hours, in front of friends and family, maybe even young children.

And finally, a prison sentence follows.  All to avoid a few penalty points.

Considering taking points for someone else?

The irony of the situation as set out above is that in many cases the driving disqualification could have been avoided.  This is particularly true if early advice had been obtained from an experienced road traffic law practitioner.

Many otherwise decent hardworking people find themselves before the court through decisions made in panic. Before acting always seek advice.

Contact your nearest office to speak to one of our expert road traffic lawyers about your case.

taking points for someone else

Alternatively you the contact form below.


Defending a sexual offence before the Crown Court


Liar, an important ITV drama from 2017, gripped the nation.  Early in the series people were reaching conclusions as to whether Laura, played by the actress Joanne Froggatt (better known for her role as Anna Bates in Downton Abbey), was telling the truth when she accused surgeon Andrew of raping her.

For most of us, this was a highly watchable drama.  We flip flopped between whom to believe.  Our perceptions changed over time by the sophisticated script and plot devices.

It is no surprise that some people formed an opinion after only one or two episodes because recent research demonstrated that half of the jurors might reach a guilty verdict before even going to deliberate with other jurors.

defence solicitor sexual offence

We know that people are on occasion willing to change their minds, just as you might when the plot unfolds.

It is vital therefore in cases alleging a sexual offence that a strong case is advanced from the start, laying a solid foundation for a successful defence.

Our Role

For our clients and their families, facing an accusation of rape or other sexual crime can be a horrendous experience. So, what is our role and how do we defend such cases?

Reactive and Proactive defence for a sexual offence

We always start with a reactive approach. The complainant states they were drunk, our client states they were in fact sober. We entered the bedroom uninvited says one person, we were invited in, says our client, and so on.

Viewers can build the start of a defence with this important work, but we do not have the benefit of the incident in question playing before us on a TV screen, with the truth revealed at the end.

Instead we have only the competing versions, and it might feel as if it is simply one word against another, and often it is unless you seek further evidence.

It is a proactive approach to case preparation which makes a difference. We always ensure that:

  • All relevant witnesses are traced.
  • Any CTTV evidence secured.
  • Forensic evidence analysed.
  • Background checks completed.
  • Details of false allegations pursued.

and even, as alluded to already in Liar, any psychiatric issues are explored.

Some examples of recent cases that we have successfully concluded by Crown Court litigator Lisa Sawyer can be found here:


Rape allegation defended

Historic sex case defended

Senior Crown Court Litigator Lisa Sawyer

We instruct a combination of in-house advocates and independent barristers to ensure you receive the best representation.

We also understand the personal toll legal proceedings will take on you and your family, and our caseworkers such as Lisa offer a compassionate and reassuring voice at a time when the future may at times appear very dark.

Our Services

The solicitors, Crown Court litigators and advocates VHS Fletchers Solicitors have decades of experience in defending cases of this type involving a sexual offence.

Before entrusting your case to anyone else come and meet us, get a feel for our work ethic, and ensure you are confident that you are receiving the best defence possible.

You only get one chance to get this right, so the alternative is unthinkable.

We offer private client services at affordable rates, and legal aid may well be available.

So, if you are arrested for, or charged with any offence, call your nearest office to arrange an appointment, or use the enquiry form below.




Jury Trial – law, procedure and how a decision is reached

Jury Trial – How Your Fate is Decided

A lot is said in the country about the benefits of a jury trial as opposed to trial before the Magistrates’ Court.  It is argued that leaving a decision as to guilt or innocence in the hands of twelve people chosen at random is the fairest way to securing justice.  How does a jury decide your fate?

There is a lot that we do not know about a jury trial

The process of how a jury reaches its decision is generally unknown jury trialhowever.  Laws prevent us from examining real jury decisions and questioning jurors on their findings.

Although there have been lots of academic studies, in reality these shed very little light on the process of the decision making.

We do know the legal process that guides them in their decision making.   Despite the lack of ‘hard proof’ as to the effectiveness of a jury trial, most lawyers actively support trial by jury.

The internet age

The power of Google and social network services such as Facebook or Twitter can present challenges.  Recent publicity has highlighted cases in which jurors have sought information about a case or a defendant from these sources.

jury trial facebook googleThere is a good reason why certain information is withheld from a jury.  This might include, for example, previous convictions of a defendant.  Going behind explicit instructions not to discuss evidence with anyone other than a fellow juror when the jury is assembled, or seeking information from external sources, undermines the integrity of a jury trial.

For this reason, jurors will be given clear warnings throughout the trial process.  The breaking of the rules can lead to a prison sentence for a juror.

A trial starts with twelve jurors

A jury trial will  always start with twelve jurors.   The trial can’t start with fewer jurors.

There are many reasons, however, leading to a trial not always finishing with twelve. Jurors may become sick and be unable to return.  In some rare cases they may be removed from a jury due to some misconduct during the trial. As long as the number of jurors does not fall below nine then a lawful verdict can be reached.

The unanimous verdict

jury trialAt all times, the Judge presiding over the trial will be seeking a unanimous verdict from the jury.  This is a verdict upon which all of the jurors are agreed, whether that is guilty or not guilty.

In the early stages of jury deliberation a Judge is prevented by law from accepting a majority verdict.  There will, however, be a time when a majority decision is permissible. The timing of when that will be will depend very much on the facts of the particular case.

When a majority verdict becomes permissible the jury will be brought back into court by the judge and advised accordingly. Even at that stage, however, the jurors will be asked to continue to try and arrive at a unanimous verdict if that is possible. If this is not possible, then a majority verdict will be acceptable.


In some cases it will become apparent to the Judge that the jury cannot reach a verdict, even a majority one. The Judge will often find this out because the jury will write a note explaining the situation. The contents of that note will usually not be shared with the advocates.  This is because it will often  ‘contain numbers’, meaning how many jurors are voting one way or the other. Such notes remain confidential in all jury trials.

When a deadlock occurs the judge will provide them with a ‘give and take’ direction.  This calls upon all of the  jurors to use their collective wisdom to reach a decision.

The Decision reached

If the jury reaches a unanimous verdict then the issue is settled.  If not, and the time is appropriate for a majority verdict, a majority may be acceptable.

Whether a majority verdict is acceptable depends on the balance of votes.  This will in turn depend on how many jurors remain deciding the trial.

The combinations are:

  • Where there are 12 jurors: 11 – 1 or 10 – 2
  • If there are 11 jurors: 10 -1
  • When there are 10 jurors: 9 – 1

jury trialWhere the jury falls to nine jurors, only a unanimous verdict will be acceptable.

If the verdict is not guilty, the defendant is free to leave court assuming that there are no other matters remaining to be dealt with. When the verdict is guilty, the judge will move on to consider sentencing the defendant.

Back to deadlock?

In the cases where, despite further deliberation, it becomes clear that the jury is deadlocked then the jury will be discharged.  The trial will be over.

In these circumstances, the prosecution may either proceed with a new trial or abandon the trial.  This may be because the trial has exposed weaknesses in the prosecution evidence.

How we can assist in your case

jury trialWe know that the trial process can be difficult,  both for our clients and their families. We will work hard at all stages of that process to explain what stage has been reached, what is going on and what will happen next.

It is your case and you ought not to be reduced to a mere bystander as the legal process occurs around you.

Because we are experienced trial lawyers, we do not lose sight of the person behind the proceedings.

Contact an expert lawyer for a jury trial

We offer Crown Court advocacy and litigation expertise from all of our six offices across the East Midlands.  While we are most regularly preparing cases to be heard before Nottingham and Derby Crown Courts we provide nationwide coverage.

You can find your nearest office here.  Alternatively you can use the contact form below.







Cross allegations lead to common assault charges being discontinued

Nottingham criminal defence solicitor Nick Walsh recently represented a client who was in her sixties and of good character.  She was charged with an assault by beating.  The alleged victim was her neighbour, a male in his twenties.  Cross allegations were made.

Neighbour dispute with a history of complaints

The background to the allegation was a history of complaints being made to the police by both parties.  On this occasion it was alleged by the neighbour that he had been walking past our client’s address.  As he did so she had shouted abuse from her window.  She called him over to her window.  When he approached and asked what she wanted it was said that she punched him in the face causing injury.

Free and independent legal advice in police interview

Nick’s client sought our free and independent advice in police  interview.  Having taken that advice she chose to answer questions.  cross allegationsShe admitted hitting her neighbour.  Our client maintained, however, that this was because he had approached her, both drunk and abusive, and she thought that he was going to hit her.

She then went on to tell the police about an incident that had taken place the following week.  His behaviour had been similar, but fortunately another neighbour had intervened to protect her.

Despite these denials, her age and lack of convictions, the police chose to charge our client.  As is often the case the police failed to investigate the allegations that our client made about the complainant.

Nick’s client appeared at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court.  She entered a not guilty plea and the case was adjourned for trial.  In the meantime Nick traced the neighbour who had assisted during the second incident.

Cross allegations investigated with our help

As a result Nick advised his client to make a further  complaint to the police.  He helped her in making contact with the police and reminded them of their duty to investigate her complaint.  As a result the police were finally persuaded to interview the neighbour in relation to the second incident.  Bearing in mind this allegation was supported by an independent witness, the complainant was charged and became a defendant in these separate proceedings.

Successful written advocacy

cross allegationsPrior to trial Nick was able to make representations to the Crown Prosecution Service.  He argued that the second incident was very important.  It left the credibility of the complainant in ruins.  The prosecution accepted that he had behaved as described in the second incident.  Nick’s client’s defence was that he had behaved the same way a week before.  As a result, he suggested that there was no longer a reasonable prospect of conviction.

The prosecution accepted this argument and discontinued the prosecution of our client.

Instruct a Nottingham Criminal Defence Solicitor

cross allegations
Nottingham criminal defence solicitor Nick Walsh

If you face charges before the court you will want to instruct an expert defence solicitor who is alive to the possibilities of written advocacy as well as the usual advocacy involving speaking in court.

Although this was a case where there may well have been a successful outcome at trial, we know that the sooner a case can be resolved in a client’s favour, the better for them.  As a result, rather than wait for the trial date, Nick ensured that the prosecution had no alternative but to discontinue the case once the cross allegations were made.

You can contact our Nottingham office on 0115 9599550 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for emergency free and independent advice and representation in the police station.  Alternatively, contact us during office hours to make an appointment to see on of our solicitors.

There is also a contact form that you can use below.



Not guilty after trial of making indecent images

Over recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of second hand mobile phones being sold online through such sites as eBay or Gumtree. Such purchases may not be without risk as a client found when charged with making indecent images!

Chesterfield criminal defence solicitor David Gittins recently represented a client who had bought such a phone.  He had been making indecent imagesarrested and charged with possessing indecent images on his second hand mobile phone.  David’s client was adamant that he knew nothing about the images.  He maintained he was not aware that they were in his phone.

The year long investigation was followed by proceedings before Chesterfield Magistrates’ Court.  At trial David successfully argued that there was no case to answer.  As a result the charges were dismissed.

Free and independent advice in police interview

David’s client had been arrested in the summer of 2016 for unrelated matters.  His mobile phone was seized by the Police and making indecent imagesexamined. The Police found a small number of indecent images on the phone.  Understandably they wanted to interview our client about this.

He sought free and independent legal advice from VHS Fletchers and was represented by David during two separate sets of interviews. Our client denied the offence saying he knew nothing about the images.  He was unable to comment about how they got to be in his phone, nor could he help with when they got there.

‘Making indecent images’

As a result the our client could do little else but deny the allegation.  The police and prosecution were not happy with these denials so he was charged to Chesterfield Magistrates’ Court.  The charge was making indecent images between two dates in 2016.

Making indecent images does not necessarily involve taking a photograph.  Downloading an image and making a new digital file is sufficient for a person to be guilty of an offence.  The offence is likely to be treated seriously by the courts and therefore a prison sentence is often imposed.  Although the ‘maker’ of the image is unlikely to have met the child, it is serious because there is a child victim at the end of the chain of ‘makers’ who copy the image.

The Trial

David met with his client on several occasions to take instructions and give advice before trial.  David’s analysis of the technical evidence showed that the prosecution could not show when the images arrived on the phone.   In order to prove the offence the prosecution would have to show that our client was responsible for making indecent images.

The prosecutor could not show that the images were placed on the phone while it was owned by David’s client.  Additionally, there was no evidence that the images had been opened and viewed since our client had owned the phone.

making indecent imagesAt no point during the prosecution was evidence called to challenge our client’s account that the phone was bought second hand.  The prosecution simply sought to rely on a need by our client to explain the images.  Our client, however, had the benefit of the burden and standard of proof and did not have to prove anything.

After the prosecution case had finished David considered the evidence that the court had heard.  Because of this he decided to make an application of no case to answer.  This can lead to a case being stopped before the defence case.  It is possible in cases where there is no likelihood of a court finding a defendant guilty.

The Magistrates’ in this case agreed with David’s argument and the case against his client was dismissed.

His client was understandably delighted with this result.  He had never been in trouble with the police before so kept his good name.  He will hopefully be able to put the fourteen months that he had serious proceedings hanging over his head behind him.

Free representation with Magistrates’ Court legal aid

Legal aid is available for advice and representation before the Magistrates’ Court. It is dependent upon our clients satisfying the legal aid agency of the merits of their cases and that they qualify on their means.  If it is granted then our advice and representation will be free of charge.

Contact a Chesterfield criminal defence solicitor

Chesterfield criminal defence solicitor David Gittins

Whatever the allegation that you face, you will want to instruct an expert criminal defence solicitor who will analyse the evidence in your case and prepare it accordingly.  In cases such as this, it is important that any gaps in the evidence are identified and exploited to obtain the best result for you.

Please call us on out office number 01246 283000.  Alternatively you can use the contact form below.


Driving ban avoided following successful exceptional hardship argument

Chesterfield Motoring Solicitor Kevin Tomlinson was recently instructed in a case where his client was at real risk of a driving disqualification. Kevin made a successful exceptional hardship argument on his behalf so a driving ban was avoided.

What is an Exceptional hardship argument?

exceptional hardship argument chesterfield solicitorAll drivers will know that when they reach 12 penalty points they are liable for a minimum six month driving ban under the totting up procedure.

A driver can, however, avoid this disqualification if it can be shown that exceptional hardship would result from a disqualification.  If successful, a driver will be able to keep their license even though they have reached 12 penalty points.

The concept of “exceptional hardship” is not exhaustively defined by the law. It does, however, have to be more than an inconvenience caused as a natural result of a driving ban.

Issues that could amount to exceptional hardship may include:

  • Loss of a job resulting in loss of accommodation
  • An inability to get to any work due to geographical and public transport restrictions
  • Loss of employment of third parties due to a businesses having to close

A driver will usually have to give evidence to the court on oath to support the exceptional hardship argument.

Travel to Norwich Magistrates’ Court

exceptional hardship argument chesterfield solicitor
Norwich Magistrates’ Court

Our client faced three separate sets of proceedings before three different courts.   It was important that Kevin ensure that all three cases were before a single court as his client wished to make an exceptional hardship argument to avoid disqualification.

This is because a successful argument cannot be put more than once in a three year period.  As a result, had the exceptional hardship argument succeeded in one set of proceedings, it could not have been argued in the other cases.

In any event, this client’s case was particularly complicated.  Kevin had to apply to set aside certain convictions and overturn a driving disqualification imposed in absence before all cases were finally listed before Norwich Magistrates’ Court.

Our client chose to instruct Kevin to travel to Norwich as he knew that he would put forward skillful legal argument on his behalf.

Our client left with 19 penalty points

exceptional hardship argument totting banDue to the nature of our client’s employment which took him all over the Country, he would have an argument to say that to disqualify him him cause exceptional hardship over and above that which will normally follow a driving ban.

Kevin advanced the exceptional hardship argument on behalf of his client.  Even though by now his client had 19 penalty points on his licence, this was the only way he could avoid a disqualification from driving.

Evidence on oath to support exceptional hardship argument


exceptional hardship argument evidence on oath

His client gave evidence to the court about the difficulties he would face if he lost his licence.  Perhaps significantly, he was also able to give evidence of the impact of losing his job on his partner and the risk of them losing their accommodation.

Fortunately for his client, Kevin made a successful exceptional hardship argument on his behalf.   The court then chose to exercise its discretion not to impose a driving disqualification. This meant that our client could continue driving.  There were, however, financial penalties and costs to pay as a result of these offences.

Kevin’s experience meant that he was unable to unpick the tangle of convictions to ensure that his client had an opportunity to avoid a driving ban.  His persuasive advocacy skills were then able to secure the result his client needed.

Representation by way of an affordable fixed fee

It is unlikely that legal aid will be available for a case like this.  Here, Kevin agreed a fixed fee with his client that included the expense of travel to Norwich.

In the event, this fee was a small price to pay in order that our client kept his driving license.

Contact a Chesterfield Motoring Law Solicitor

If you face a driving ban then you will require affordable advice and representation from an expert road traffic law solicitor.   Chesterfield road traffic law solicitor Kevin Tomlinson can be contacted at our Chesterfield office on 01246 283000.

Alternatively, there may be one of our other offices that is more convenient to you.  You can find the details of these offices here.

You can also use the contact form below.


Chesterfield solicitor mitigates in drink drive case

With Christmas fast approaching the yearly anti-drink driving campaigns will soon be splashed across TV, Radio and Social Media.  You can find more information about that here, but we simply repeat the advice relating to drink drive:

  • the easiest way to avoid problems is not to take any alcohol before you drive
  • be very careful the next morning and consider public transport if you have been drinking the night before.

drink drive legal aid solicitor ChesterfieldWe know, despite people being aware of the advice.  people still make mistakes.  In most cases this involves a momentary lapse in judgement from a person who has never been in trouble with the police before.  A conviction for drink driving can have a serious impact on an individual and have a very real effect on their life.

We will  try our best to minimise this impact where possible.  This might be by fighting the allegation at trial or putting forward effective mitigation on sentence.

Chesterfield Criminal Solicitor David Gittins is regularly before Chesterfield Magistrates Court representing his clients in such cases.  He  was recently instructed by a client who had been involved in an accident whilst drink driving.  As a result he faced a custodial sentence. Due to David’s assistance his client was able to avoid a prison sentence.

The Allegation

legal aid drink drive solicitor chesterfieldDavid’s client had been charged with drink driving following a road traffic incident.  She had driven into the rear of a vehicle before driving off.  She was followed home by a member of the public who had realised she was drunk.  As a result the police were called.

David’s client had very little recollection of the incident.  In police interview she accepted the evidence and because of this made admissions in interview.

She was found to have been just below three times the legal limit to drive.  Being aware of the position she had placed herself in, she chose to instruct David before here first court appearance.  As a result, David was able to give early advice and prepare the case in time for the hearing.  Part of that advice was to remind his client that there would be credit for an early guilty plea.  This is a reduction in the final sentence imposed.

Our client was a mother holding down two jobs to provide for her family.  As a result, she was understandably upset about the risk of a prison sentence.

The Sentence

drink drive solicitor Chesterfield legal aidFollowing his client’s guilty plea to drink driving, David mitigated on her behalf.  He was able to focus on the positive elements of his client’s character and future.  Although an immediate prison sentence was a possibility, David argued that these positive aspects of mitigation meant that she could retain her liberty.

David’s client was received a Suspended Sentence Order for this drink drive offence because of this mitigation.  This meant that provided she adhered to a curfew and undertook unpaid work in the community she would not be sent to prison.  She also received the mandatory disqualification from driving.

Free legal aid in the Magistrates’ Court for this drink drive case

legal aid solicitor for drink drive caseDue to the serious nature of this case and the real risk of prison and therefore loss of livelihood, free Magistrates’ Court legal aid was available.   for the Defendant meaning all of David’s representation was free of charge.

Instruct a Chesterfield Motoring Law expert

Whether you face a police investigation for a road traffic offence or have court proceedings pending you will wish to instruct an expert motoring law solicitor.  Please contact David at our Chesterfield office on 01246 283000.

legal aid solicitor for drink drive case

Alternatively, you can contact a solicitor at one of out other five offices across the East Midlands or use the contact form below.


Banned from driving? Can you get your licence back early?

Driving Disqualification? We can help you get your licence back

In some instances, it is possible to apply to a court and ask that a driving ban is ended earlier than it would normally be.  How will you be able to argue to get your licence back early?

If your circumstances have changed since being disqualified, it is worth discussing with one of our criminal law specialists whether or not you can take advantage of this legal provision.

get your licence back early

Is legal aid available?

Legal aid may be available subject to a means test. Alternatively we will be able to provide you representation on a private basis.  This is likely to be by way of an affordable fixed fee.

What are the rules?

You can ask the court to reduce the period of your disqualification  after you’ve been banned from driving after the following periods have expired:

  • 2 years when your disqualification was for more than 2 years but less than 4 years
  • Half the length of the disqualification period where the driving ban was for between 4 and 10 years
  • 5 years in cases where your disqualification was for 10 years or more

What about a ban following a second drink driving offence?

get your licence back earlyWe are often asked by clients who have been disqualified for a second drink drive offence whether they are also able to apply to get their licence back early.

The answer to that question is ‘yes’.  The application will however be complicated as the High Court has expressed the following view:

“I would only add that justices … may if they think fit regard a mandatory disqualification as one which they are somewhat less ready to remove than a discretionary disqualification.”

But it will depend, as always, on the individual circumstances of your case.  The decision in Boliston v Gibbons (1995), for example, showed the High Court to be very sympathetic to the plight of the applicant.

What are the criteria?

The law states that:

“On any such application the court may, as it thinks proper having regard to—

(a) the character of the person disqualified and his conduct subsequent to the order,

(b) the nature of the offence, and

(c) any other circumstances of the case, either by order remove the disqualification as from such date as may be specified in the order or refuse the application.”

As a result, what any applicant needs to establish is that there is some compelling reason why the ban should be brought to an end early.  such examples include employment opportunities, reliance on a vehicle for caring responsibilities, personal immobility etc.

get your licence back early

Will the application be opposed?

It is very rare for an application not to be opposed.  Because of this we will work incredibly hard to ensure that an impressive argument is put before the court.

Unfortunately simply turning up and throwing yourself on the mercy of a court is unlikely to result in a return of your driving licence early.

If the application is refused, can I make a further application?

A further application is possible but you must wait for three months from the date of the refusal to make your next application

How we can help you get your licence back early

We will assist in preparing and presenting your application to the court. This will include taking your instructions and gathering any supporting evidence that you may need to strengthen your case.

Our experienced team have significant advocacy expertise before both the Magistrates’ and Crown Courts.  As a result we are best placed to secure the return of your driving licence.

Contact your nearest office to speak to one of our lawyers to see how we can help you get your licence back early.  Alternatively use the contact form below.

get your licence back early east midlands solicitor
